guest room is now done, de-cluttered, bed made, and vacuumed - I even put together make-do bedside tables and covered the small ex-kitchen table to make a work table in there for guests.
Am now clearing the mess that is the front room. I have 13 empty plastic bins - Getting them to the garage will clear out one whole corner.
I got these for the leaves [link] . I like a lot.
I got these for the leaves [link] .
That's ridiculously practical.
So smart!
Hey, anyone got any good news for the weekend?
I'm a bad bad person for getting a costume for my dog.
Dang, Jon Stewart just made me cry. Wish I was there.
I was, and you couldn't really hear or see anything but the crowd where I was, but I'm glad I went. I'll catch up with what was happening on stage some other way.
I went in with a friend of mine. We were going to park at one of the Metro stations and take the train in, but there were lines going into the station when we got there, so we bit the bullet and went into DC, and managed to find good parking near Chinatown. The only downside was we had to leave a half hour early, but since you couldn't see or hear it very well, I figured I got enough of the experience. Also got a souvenir towel, so there's that.
I was kicking myself that I was all the way to New Haven before I realized I'd forgotten my camera, but all I would have gotten was pictures of people's costumes and signs. Since it wasn't the main reason for this trip, I consider it a win for the weekend, all things considered. The drive down, however, nsm.
Hey, anyone got any good news for the weekend?
Not really for the weekend, but yesterday's Halloween at work was fun, and my floor won the best costumes/decorations contest so we get a pizza lunch sometime soon. (okay, we were the only floor to do much, but still)
People seemed to like my signs too
Went to the worm composting lecture today at this beautiful garden next to a water plant. It was such a perfect fall morning, meaning, too cold! But nice. And now I have worms munching away and cat noses working overtime.
I'm trying to convince myself to put on outside pants and go walk somewhere for exercise, but after going on a bit of a retail therapy spree, I'm trying not to spend money. My options are to walk near the lake or walk to the grocery store and dump a bunch of coins in the Coinstar machine for an iTunes gift card.
I ordered this coat: [link]
I'm trying to decide if I want to keep it. It's a bit cassock-y on me. I don't know if that's a pro or a con.
Ooh, is it coat sale time?? I want a new coat.
Nice, Perkins!