If you can train a cat to act like a dog, I think your category is "magician".
Both my cats are either waiting for me by the front door or come running up to it when I come in every single night*.
That's worth at least an abracadabra, I think.
- Well, except for last night, when Perkins did, but Dita had managed to get herself trapped in the blanket on the sofa, and needed me to come rescue her.
Both my cats are either waiting for me by the front door or come running up to it when I come in every single night*.
Mine do that unless I come home mid-afternoon (during naptime). Then they take a little longer to greet me while stretching and yawning.
Our pets have always been beloved, but they aren't human. Does that make me a dominionist? Is it OK if I have no idea what they mean by seeing your pet as an apendage? What kind of apendage is a cat?
Yeah, they should have real descriptors like Do you post about them on Facebook? Do they appear on Christmas cards?
Do you let them plan sneak attacks on houseguests?
Things like that.
Kat, I hope you both can get a break from the surgeries soon. Poor both of you.
I'm probably mostly a dominionist. I interviewed a kid who trained sled dogs in Wyoming, and I remember Jake was horrified that the dogs slept outside in dog houses, with a run. It didn't surprise me at all. For that kid, they weren't pets, they were ... coworkers, sort of.
Both my cats are either waiting for me by the front door or come running up to it when I come in every single night*.
Oh, mine too! But I can't say that I trained them at all. I think that's just their personalities. Or, possibly, I did train them since I feed them when I come home in the evening.
I do sometimes post about them on Facebook! They are hilarious and cute to me.
Yeah, they should have real descriptors like Do you post about them on Facebook?
Do they appear on Christmas cards?
Well, we don't do holiday cards, but they probably would.
Do you let them plan sneak attacks on houseguests?
How can I stop them? Not to mention that all of these answers also apply to Pete AND Clovis.
I have to say, the term 'furbaby' makes me nauseous.
The Australian father and son who dragged a Shetland Pony behind their car are avoidingjail time possibly because they lost their home in the Queensland flood.
The court heard how Elf had been forced to run alongside the car at up to 40kmh, injuring himself when he stumbled at times in a desperate bid to keep up.
Defence counsel said the pair would be moving because they had been abused by members of the public following publicity around the case.
The pair, who lost their home in the Lockyer Valley in Queensland's flood little more than two weeks after the dragging incident, had never intended to hurt the pony.
They never intended to hurt the pony????!!!??
Do you let them plan sneak attacks on houseguests?
Wait, we're not supposed to do that?
More to the point, do you let them serve as a convenient alibi for your sneak attacks on your houseguests? I mean, seriously, let's think outside the box a little here.