The Australian father and son who dragged a Shetland Pony behind their car are avoidingjail time possibly because they lost their home in the Queensland flood.
The court heard how Elf had been forced to run alongside the car at up to 40kmh, injuring himself when he stumbled at times in a desperate bid to keep up.
Defence counsel said the pair would be moving because they had been abused by members of the public following publicity around the case.
The pair, who lost their home in the Lockyer Valley in Queensland's flood little more than two weeks after the dragging incident, had never intended to hurt the pony.
They never intended to hurt the pony????!!!??
Do you let them plan sneak attacks on houseguests?
Wait, we're not supposed to do that?
More to the point, do you let them serve as a convenient alibi for your sneak attacks on your houseguests? I mean, seriously, let's think outside the box a little here.
Do you let them plan sneak attacks on houseguests?
Not so much "let" as "train them to." Does that count?
I have to say, the term 'furbaby' makes me nauseous.
I am right there with you.
Furbaby makes me think of a teratoma.
Cat's don't greet you at the door?
I'm very outside the pet loop.
But my tradition doesn't see them as family. It sees them as possessions. Responsibilities, but possessions.
It will come as no surprise to anyone that Bartleby is the center of my universe. When I thought I might die last year, the only concern I had was that he be taken care of. There is a list of 10 people (two hopped on in the last week) who have vowed to ensure his safety and care should I no longer be able to take care of him. In this, I am at peace.
He is a dog. I treat him as such, not because I am a dominionist but because it is unfair to infantalize animals for our amusement. Canines have evolved to adapt to primate society but not to our neuroses. We should give them the care they need as dogs, not as children.
Do I put a jacket on my dog when it is very cold? Yes I do. He hates it, by the way, but it is important to keeping him clean, dry and healthy.
Does he sleep in my bed or claim anything in this world that belongs to me? Never. Not because he wouldn't want to, but because I know it is bad for him.
Cortez has been asleep on the sofa when the kids next door come over. Total noise and chaos, and he doesn't even lift his head.
It makes me think of a fetish. Yuck.