I'm going to have to go in front of Change Control Wednesday and explain why everything went south yesterday. Oy. But at least it looks good today.
Just tried TJ's pork buns. A little sweet (did I mention the world?) but tasty for an evening in which I'm not going to eat full dinner.
I really like the TJ's pork buns! Especially with a side of salty edamame!
I know we lost an hour the other night but I really feel like it's an hour later than it is. Guess I should go to bed?
I still woke up at 6, time change bedamned. And I loved seeing the sunset late in the day.
The sun setting late is AWESOME!
Is Ginger around? The most recent news from Japan does not sound good. [link]
Oh, msbelle, that's just cruel.
I'm learning the Cub Scout promise in sign language. I have to teach it to 16 Cub Scouts TOMORROW.
Yay successful rollout!
I really miss having a Boston Market in town.
Apparently, it's been in there so long that they think the edges of it are starting to become grown into the inside of my vein.
When you talked about this, that's exactly what I thought of! That's what happened to one of the pins they put in my foot; the bone grew around it. I don't know why I thought something like that might have happened to you. Weird.
It looks very bad indeed, Perkins. I fear I've been rather obsessed. Unit 2 had been fairly stable and 1 and 3 seemed to be stabilizing, but then there was some kind of failure in unit 2. Pressure built up and a pressure relief valve failed, so there was too much pressure inside for them to be able to add more water. The last explosion was probably a more intense hydrogen explosion, but it's hard to say. Anyway, after the explosion, the pressure in the reactor vessel went down and radiation increased, which indicates at least some breech in containment.
but then there was some kind of failure in unit 2.
There, a malfunctioning valve prevented workers from manually venting the containment vessel to release pressure and allow fresh seawater to be injected into it. That meant that the extraordinary remedy emergency workers have been using to keep the nuclear fuel from overheating no longer worked.
Oh, that's Ginger said.