I want an appliance garage sooooo much. The first time I saw those in a kitchen? Ooooh, kitchen porn, baby.
I have very little counter space and it's mostly taken up. But I tried storing the Penguin away and I forgot about making fizzy water for a week. So that's out again.
Ooooh, kitchen porn, baby.
Right? I saw it in one of those magazines you're not supposed to be reading when you're designing a house. And I was all, oh, if only. And then the way the kitchen design worked out it was possible, and not that expensive, and made the whole thing look freaking great. Love.
What is an appliance garage?
Nicole and I toured the likely F2F hotel. I liked the rooms a bunch, but what is up with hotels and crazycakes carpets?
I actually keep and use my slow cooker on top of the fridge (the fridge being a bit smaller than the norm). I have zero counter space.
It's a place to keep your appliances within reach, but not out on the counter. [link]
Six terrifying ways crows are smarter than you think: [link]
I have officially entered the Land of Questionable Grading: the 50 3 to 5 page essay portfolios I collected Thursday and Friday will get read, and then get a letter grade. I will add comments later this week. Otherwise, they will not get graded and entered by the midnight deadline.
::ducks and runs back into the line of fire::
One day, I really hope to see Liese's place. And Liese.