She was actually pleased to get rid of them - after years of hoarding any spice jars she came across to hold her homegrown herbs she has decided that the Whole Foods brand square jars are her one true spice jar. And she got some nice yarn out of the exchange box, so she's happy with the deal as it stands.
You'll have to deal with the written-over labels and ancient freezer tape additions.
gay marries Erin
I am collecting quite the harem! Awesome!
And since I am stuffing fuzzy-tailed rodents into Ginger's bosom, I might as well marry her, too. My closet just explanded by THREE!
(I think I may be DOING GAI MARRIAGE WRONG. I am in it for the extra shoes and clothes.)
BTW: explanded was SO not a typo! At all. Really. It's "expanded" and "exploded." I swear. As in "After the holidays, my ass explanded."
Someone page erinceous. I want coinage credit.
I will wear gingham to the wedding, iffen you want.
That sounds like a challenge. You have to wear gingham, half modest, half hoochie, and incorporate a squirrel.
The chicken I made for dinner wasn't very good.
I'm glad it's hard to screw up artichokes.
I think artichokes taste nasty.
I don't
because I've never tasted them. But they sure look dodgy.
I don't know, because I've never tasted them.
Never ever try them. Give them to me instead. I will keep them safe from you.
Unless they are marinated. Those are nasty to me.
I'm eating strawberries while I try to figure out what's for dinner.
I love artichoke hearts on pizza and in pasta. NOM.
Actual artichokes, whole, OTOH, are just an excuse for lemon butter. As is asparagus. (Plus, your pee smells like grass! It always startles me -- I'm like a dog looking around like "WHAZZAT? HUH?" after it farts.)
You're like a like vortex of chaos generation.
I didn't mention I was taking a milkshake to my sick roommate, so I ended up with a chest covered with tiny scratches and my clothes covered with milkshake.
Poor Mac. Christianity is hard.
There's your problem. Your milkshake brought all the rodents to the yard.