I love artichoke hearts on pizza and in pasta. NOM.
Actual artichokes, whole, OTOH, are just an excuse for lemon butter. As is asparagus. (Plus, your pee smells like grass! It always startles me -- I'm like a dog looking around like "WHAZZAT? HUH?" after it farts.)
You're like a like vortex of chaos generation.
I didn't mention I was taking a milkshake to my sick roommate, so I ended up with a chest covered with tiny scratches and my clothes covered with milkshake.
Poor Mac. Christianity is hard.
There's your problem. Your milkshake brought all the rodents to the yard.
If one thinks of it on a factual, it is pretty damned crazy.
You worship at the feet of a torture victim, and then some guy tells you to eat his flesh and drink his blood.
(Not knocking peep's religion, just saying when you boil it down to basics, it is kinda gross without context.)
There's your problem. Your milkshake brought all the rodents to the yard.
The squirrels at McGill freaked me out. I got a bad rep as a squirrel kicker, but truth was, I extended my foot very slowly, and THE SQUIRREL SHOULD HAVE MOVED. I am supposed to win. No squirrels were harmed in the making of this story, but my rep got...exacerbated for a bit.
I can't believe this has been hanging out here all this time and no one has mentioned:
GEORGE: Don't we have a deal with the pigeons?
JERRY: Of course. We have a deal. They get out of the way of our cars, we look the other way on the statue defecation.
GEORGE: Right! And these pigeons broke the deal. I will not accept the blame for this.
MIRANDA: What pigeon? You drove right onto that squirrel.
GEORGE: Squirrel? Well, we have no deal with THEM!
some guy tells you to eat his flesh and drink his blood.
Ahahaha -- Tim and I were talking about this maybe 2 hours ago! I told him how I'm too literal to be able to really embrace the mystery of transubstantiation (Catholic doctrine says that when the priest consecrates the bread and wine, they really truly ARE the body and blood of Christ, but CLEARLY they are only baked dough and fermented grape juice [so say I]). He said, "But didn't Jesus say 'This is my body,' blah blah blah?"
I said, "Yeah, but the dude spoke in metaphors ALL THE TIME. Does no one remember the parables???"
(Also, it doesn't refer to literal cheesemakers; it's meant to refer to all purveyors of dairy.)
Blessed are the cheesemakers.
I must be having a week. Mister Kitty deigned to abandon upstairs, vigorously wash Loki's head, and curl up next to him on the couch with me. He doesn't spend much time downstairs these days.
I like having all my cats in the room with me, even if Devi's on the other side in her foam cube. Loki's against my butt with MK right there in the crook of my knees. Warm things.