It turns out that the 272 pages of script testing I'm doing? They were developed for the non-hosted solution. We are among the first clients who are using the hosted solution. And nearly every sequence is wrong for hosted; they're missing key steps. And we ALSO just found out that local admins won't have the ability to unlock a user's account who accidentally locks themselves out (by trying wrong log-in 3x) - we have to wait for the vendor to do so! And vendor's system admins are in Cork, Ireland. Oh that is SO not going to fly.
Haaaa, this sounds similar to our experience with our vendor, who's based in India.
Okay, I have been extraordinarily dumb. I called complaining to my local power provider about a rebate on my new energy efficient fridge that I hadn't received. (There was one from the local power provider and one from Sears.) Except that I apparently did receive the one from the power provider. In November. And completely forgot about it. Thank god I was nice and polite to people. Now I just have to worry about my brain malfunctioning.
Shrift, that sounds alarmingly like what Aims had.
Ah, crap. I remember something about whooping cough? Was that it, or was it something else?
I had a cupcake today. But I've been eating all sorts of vegetables and whole grains and fruit, otherwise. I think tonight it'll be panko-crusted tilapia and wilted spinach.
Review is over. It went well. It looks like my boss may have finally convinced the powers that be (her words!) to promote me. More importantly, my final assessment grade means I get 150% of my bonus, which at least partially makes up for the fact that our group hasn't been bonused at all since I started almost 4 years ago.
Mostly, I've had such a crappy few weeks waiting for various results and such that I'm just so relieved it's over.
I remember something about whooping cough?
Okay, I didn't read that you coughed so hard you threw up, right? I didn't read that? It didn't happen? Any bruising on your face? Kinda hard to actually breathe with all of the coughing?
Because you, shrift, are going to the doctor. Please.
Cass, poor shrift wrote: "I don't know what I was thinking, considering that I coughed so much last night that I couldn't hold down dinner."
I so hope it's not whooping cough.
SOOOOO happy for you Megan!
P-C, you feel my pain, then.
Yeah, doctor time. I've known a couple people who it has turned out to be walking pneumonia or the like.
Apparently being frustrated and not being starving (ate dinner first, usually eat after I swim)= awesome fast swim. I managed an average lap speed of just under 55s. For 48 laps. WOOOHOO. It was definite work, though. I usually average 57s.
Coughing so hard you throw up is totally a sign you need to go to a doctor.
So is a diagnosis of concrete in the lungs, which is how I initially interpreted "concrete dx".
Onerous Task for the Day: Not completed. Not even begun. Ah, the giddy freedom of not caring any more!!
I managed an average lap speed of just under 55s. For 48 laps. WOOOHOO.
I'll see your WOOOHOO and raise you a FUCKYEAHSWIM!