Boo on embezzlers. Geesh, people.
I was half way down the hall before my brain kicked in - I don't need sugar. I'm being a good Weight Watcher. Ok, it is only day 3, but I'm trying.
Hah! This is why I am re-starting my diet tomorrow. I figure I will tell myself I am dieting for Lent. Not that I celebrate Lent, or Easter, but whatever. I joined a gym last night and have an appointment Thursday. There ya go.
Meanwhile I have done plenty of onerosity today due to a last minute annoying assignment but was unable to get to any of the previously scheduled onerosity. Yet. Hrmph.
I really need to get out of here an go get an afterwork cocktail. I want to either cry or beat people. Neither of which seem terribly professional.
My week is onerous. Got a ride home with my boss since my neighbors are working late today.
Came home to find cat barfed on my sheets. Which were just washed Sunday. So they are in the wash. Tonight is clusterfucknight at the pool, where I pretty much have to be there by 5, or after 7. And with little control over my working hours without a car, after 7 it is.
I really hope they finish my car tomorrow cause I need to run an errand tomorrow night. Bleahrg. Why did everyone else's cars have to break down same weekend as mine?
Ah well, at least I'm not having to cope with larcenous people.
I'm in test scrip hell (user validation on a system I've been working on for over a year to get up into production).
I am supposed to have dinner tonight with a near and dear person and dammit I don't want to have to cancel. Yet, I am on page 16 (out of 272) and every page is an onerous task. Shoot me now.
javachik, if you don't go out to dinner, will you finish in time? If not, then go out to dinner. Life is short, and there will always be another problem. There might not always be another dinner.
caveat: I'm feeling a little melancholy, a little fed up with work, and a little drunk.
I had no idea that Vlad was such a popular name.
I can't explain why, but this sentence has made me laugh and laugh.
javachik, if you don't go out to dinner, will you finish in time?
Oooh. That's a good point.
This testing was intended to be complete tomorrow. If I spend the evening away tonight, it likely won't be.
And part of the problem is our IT SOP for testing is extreme - I'm waiting for an email notification from the system to complete one step, and just got off the phone with the vendor. That email notification? Could be delayed for hours. So while I can go on with the next steps, philosophically speaking, my IT director would have a cow if I did so without filling out an Incident Reporting Form.
Hey, Jim Parsons and Lee Pace are making their Broadway Debut in
The Normal Heart.
System validation is long, arduous process, and you never know when you'll hit a bug and be unable to continue further, too.