One of the disadvantages is that you have a very demanding boss who does not always treat you fairly.
I think this can apply whether or not you work for yourself.
some of that time was spent cat-wrangling.
Okay, that I will be spared. I'm just remarkably un-detail oriented for someone who worked in PC repair. The first time I closed up a case with a loose screw in it, I stared at it for five minutes to see if I could disintegrate it with my brain to avoid opening that shit back up.
Maybe I'll do it.
One of the disadvantages is that you have a very demanding boss who does not always treat you fairly.
Plus, he's always watching you, so you can't goof off.
I made myself a fruit salad for second breakfast: half a banana, half a pink lady apple, blueberies (sweet!) and strawberries. Topped with a dollop of plain Russian yogurt. It's good.
Nice so instead of seeing that people may have had a point, Cake Wrecks just doubles down on the king cake thing. [link]
I think that's the problem with snarky humor sometimes. Mocking something you're not a part of is risky, but then when people take offense, you probably shouldn't tell them not to be so sensitive, and then mock the fact that they were offended.
Time to get off the computer , double check my bag and walk.
good luck and may everyone's onerous task be less onerous than expected.
I've downloaded 2 fonts from that designer already.
this. also, daFont is love. I'm a sucker for Jane Austen and the Jellykas too.
Maybe I'll do it.
If I had to do it over again (which I might, on my MacBook), I bet I could do it in half an hour. But you should probably google the instructions for a MacBook Pro first. I'm guessing you'd need more than fingernails to pry that aluminum bezel off.
Now I wanna see
Nigerian Email Scammers Vs. Hitler.
I'm a little pouty because someone called my use of Bleeding Cowboy cliche, and well, *I've* never seen it before. However, I'm going to breathe and get past it. I trust youse guys.
Someone on IO9 asked who'd you'd like to see play a Starfleet captain. The most intriguing suggestion I saw was Helen Mirren. Oh, that would be marvellous. I vote for Idris Elba, myself.