Instead she paid $120 for the new LCD screen.
They're that cheap? Was it hard? My screen is slightly broken--not worth getting professional repair, but if the parts aren't extravagant (for my MacBook Pro of a year's age), I might consider doing it myself. It has been forever since I opened up a laptop, though.
The only drink I could find in the cafe that looked tasty was V8 tropical blend. Man, I used to love this stuff, but it's straight sugar to me now.
They're that cheap? Was it hard? My screen is slightly broken--not worth getting professional repair, but if the parts aren't extravagant (for my MacBook Pro of a year's age), I might consider doing it myself. It has been forever since I opened up a laptop, though.
Yeah, $120 including shipping for an 11.5" (or whatever) screen. You have to carefully pry the bezel that covers the screen, remove about 15 tiny screws, avoid messing up the WiFi antenna that surrounds the screen, and handle the power and data connections carefully. Otherwise it was pretty easy. (You don't need to open the laptop case, just the the display part.) I think it took me about 90 minutes.
I have an old MacBook with a broken screen - I think I'll try to fix that one too and maybe sell it or something.
eta: I'm guessing the procedure for an aluminum body MacBook Pro would be similar, but I'm not sure.
onerous tasks
1) walk to work in drizzle. I've been walking to work twice a week -- but this week I just want to slounge.
2) tomorrow is my day off -- and I have a bunch of onerous task to do tomorrow. so today I have to make a list of stuff to do tomorrow. When I would prefer to slounge.
I think it took me about 90 minutes.
Ahaha! No, I'm not doing it. I will deal with my randomy glowy spot just fine. Though, that reminds me, I need to open my PC and do some work in there. Grr.
I need to take an off the floor break and try to schedule an appt with a new PCP/GYN. Ugh, i really hate dr shopping. I loved my last one but she moved out of state :(
I think it took me about 90 minutes.
Ahaha! No, I'm not doing it.
Well, some of that time was spent cat-wrangling. But mostly because I had to be careful not to break anything, lose any tiny screws, etc.
One of the benefits of working for myself is that I don't have to go through them.
One of the disadvantages is that you have a very demanding boss who does not always treat you fairly.
Yeah, but the compensation package is usually pretty good.
Good luck to those having performance reviews today!!
My onerous task was going to the vascular doctor this morning, not actually seeing her until 10:15 when the appointment was supposed to be for 9:00, and then finding out she wants to take out my heart filter (installed when I had my bypass surgery in November to prevent any clots from messing me up) on Monday. I have to go to her office tomorrow to have a physical, lab work, and an ultrasound done on my legs before the retrieval procedure, and I'm still waiting to hear back from the office as to when that procedure will take place. The doctor said that, since it's been so long since it was implanted, it might be harder to retrieve than most, and if she can't get it out on Monday, they'll have to try again with a different doctor at a later date. Grrr.
They're going to go through my neck to get to it, and I'm hoping they don't leave any permanent scars behind.
One of the disadvantages is that you have a very demanding boss who does not always treat you fairly.
I think this can apply whether or not you work for yourself.
some of that time was spent cat-wrangling.
Okay, that I will be spared. I'm just remarkably un-detail oriented for someone who worked in PC repair. The first time I closed up a case with a loose screw in it, I stared at it for five minutes to see if I could disintegrate it with my brain to avoid opening that shit back up.
Maybe I'll do it.