intelligent people who are pissed that things aren't changing as fast as they want them to and are going to "punish" the people they voted for by letting them get voted out. Yeah, that's going to help.
I'm tired of basically left-wing people who unload with this scary vitriol of "You voted for Obama and things are still shitty! He sucks and WHAT ARE YOUUUUUUUUUUU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? No, don't pass the buck and try to explain it [using rational discourse about the way a goddamn country the size of the US changes] -- I WANT YOU TO TELL ME WHAT YOU, personally, are going to do to MAKE THINGS CHANGE RIGHT NOW!!!"
Because it makes me think, Hi, Ativan is nice, and Wow, tone down the fucking rage.
It's weird that I'm defriending both right-wingers and left-wingers on Facebook. Anyone who does the textual version of screaming like Sam Kinnison automatically gets axed. I don't have to deal with that, so I won't.
I want to make a website that is just sort of, "Here's some good shit that happened today."
That is an excellent idea.
Could it be a group blog? We could all contribute to it. (By "all," I mean "whoever wants to," not "You MUST DOOOOOOO IT!!!!" like the political freak-o above.) Like maybe on Wordpress, or something?
perhaps Meg Whitman shoulda done a bit of research before basically handing Jerry Brown the best political ad this year.
That is beautiful! It's great when you can get your opponent to write your ad copy for you.
My favorite is still the one where she is parroting Arnie's promises: [link]
Could it be a group blog? We could all contribute to it. (By "all," I mean "whoever wants to," not "You MUST DOOOOOOO IT!!!!" like the political freak-o above.) Like maybe on Wordpress, or something?
I'm pretty sure it should be a tumblr called fuckyeahgoodnews.
There'd have to be a cap on how much "good news" could be pictures of Tom Hardy, though.
cap, that is.
Well, only new pictures. News!
I'm pretty sure it should be a tumblr called fuckyeahgoodnews.
Well, there is Happy News.
Could it be a group blog? We could all contribute to it. (By "all," I mean "whoever wants to," not "You MUST DOOOOOOO IT!!!!" like the political freak-o above.) Like maybe on Wordpress, or something?
I'm pretty sure it should be a tumblr called fuckyeahgoodnews.
Oh my god, we should totally do this!
I would totally read fuckyeahgoodnews over Happy News.
Yeah, I'm kind of serious. And totally in. We just have to make sure there's one thing a day, right?