Could it be a group blog? We could all contribute to it. (By "all," I mean "whoever wants to," not "You MUST DOOOOOOO IT!!!!" like the political freak-o above.) Like maybe on Wordpress, or something?
I'm pretty sure it should be a tumblr called fuckyeahgoodnews.
There'd have to be a cap on how much "good news" could be pictures of Tom Hardy, though.
cap, that is.
Well, only new pictures. News!
I'm pretty sure it should be a tumblr called fuckyeahgoodnews.
Well, there is Happy News.
Could it be a group blog? We could all contribute to it. (By "all," I mean "whoever wants to," not "You MUST DOOOOOOO IT!!!!" like the political freak-o above.) Like maybe on Wordpress, or something?
I'm pretty sure it should be a tumblr called fuckyeahgoodnews.
Oh my god, we should totally do this!
I would totally read fuckyeahgoodnews over Happy News.
Yeah, I'm kind of serious. And totally in. We just have to make sure there's one thing a day, right?
Timelies all!
I'll be glad when the elections are over, if only to get the nasty ads off my tv. (They're not even for races in my state. Gotta love the DC-area market)
I'll contribute. I LOVE this idea.
We just have to make sure there's one thing a day, right?
*Only* one thing, or make sure that every day at least one thing is posted?