Thanks, DJ. I'm going to put my shoulder to the wheel and do whatever I can to pump out some good publicity. I'm excellent at doing this sort of thing for other people, but not for myself.
Everyone has been too busy to help me put up the website, which sort of blows, since I'm awful at design.
I actually like Sam very much, I wish I could get someone to review it who doesn't know/love me.
Allyson, I would visit that site every day. Twice on days with new frog news.
In snarky political news, perhaps Meg Whitman shoulda done a bit of research before basically handing Jerry Brown the best political ad this year.
Allyson, I don't know if this would work for you, but my university's library has The Butler Children's Literature Center that might be a good place to send a copy of Sam. It's a center for childrens/YA librarians, and if they like the book (which of course they will!!!), it'd be a great place for exposure.
I'm excellent at doing this sort of thing for other people, but not for myself.
So just pretend your doppleganger--who coincidentally is also named Allyson--wrote Sam. Disassociation FTW!
I'm sorry that you're on a tough road right now.
Thanks, Kathy! Bookmarking. I'm sort of lost as to where I can send copies.
I want to make a website that is just sort of, "Here's some good shit that happened today."
That is an excellent idea.
Like Peter Beagle?
I need one of those Kirkus/Publisher's Weekly sort of reviews.
Allyson, the center is right next door to my classroom, so I'll stop by there if someone is staffing it on Saturday after class and see what they might be interested in. I know that you wouldn't be able to fly out to Chicago for a promotional tour (but if you did, I'd love to have you over!!), but maybe something else would let you connect with librarians.
I need one of those Kirkus/Publisher's Weekly sort of reviews.
I'd have his review tattooed on me by now. But I can see as you need more.