Lord, it's pouring here. I still managed to ferry Emmett across the Bay to Krav and back. His teacher had them work out 20 minutes of the hour in the rain. She's being a hardass. Looks like they're polling to see if anybody wants to take Muay Thai there.
We're stretching to reach the next paycheck and I've been having to pull stuff out of the freezer to feed everybody.
Emmett got a home made burrito with last night's leftovers. JZ and I finished off a bag of shrimp gyoza. I made a good dipping sauce with soy sauce, mustard, honey, and Sriracha.
Then Emmett was still hungry so I used up the frozen mango chunks in the freezer and made a smoothie. The only juice type thing I had was an Odwalla protein shake but that turned out to be super yum and make it all taste like a delicious milkshake.
I did 25 minutes on the treadmill at the Y, and then sat in the whirlpool for a while. It turns out that mid-Sunday afternoon is a great time, there was only one other person in the women's private exercise room the whole time. Alas, there's nowhere on their treadmill model to rest a book, but if you hold onto the bar, it automagically reads your heartbeat. Next time I bring the iPod....
Maria, I don't know what any of that means, but ~ma just the same.
I think it means "AIRPLANE SAD!" Anyway, ~ma for getting home.
Much homecoming~ma for your DH, Maria.
I can barely hold myself up to type, I am so tired from my weekend of blacksmithing. It was awesome though! I made a utensil holder. [link]
It's very simple and primitive, but it took a whole lot of work! (Also it took more work than necessary because I have a tendency to zig when I mean to zag.)
Anyway, we leaqrned a few simple tchniques yesterday and then all 7 students took turns trying them. Then today, we had one more short lesson and then set to work on our projects! Mine isn't as how I conceived it, partly because of my limited skills, and partly because I think my crappy sketches and my explanation made my teacher think I wanted to do things in a way I wasn't expecting. (I didn't want the scrolls flat against the wall.) I feel like I learned a tonne, and still am just beginning to learn...I don't know if there are any opportunities for more learning.
It was also interesting to see all the different projects that people did. Most people did a lot of creative playing around with the metal...only two of use did "practical" projects. The other woman made a spoon from a 1/2" rod of steel. It was mind blowing to watch her spend an entire morning first upsetting (shortening and thickening the metal
) then flattening and shaping the bowl of the spoon. Just amazing.
I now have to tidy the kitchen, which is total chaos, to get ready for the new fridge on tuesday.
go you Sue !
Ma for your DH~~ getting home, Maria
Wow, Sue! Actual smithing done by you!
I'm watching an episode of House Hunters and the client is a woman named Que, pronounced like the letter, and her daughter's name is Quejohnna. I just don't know about naming your child after yourself.
Don't people do that all the time? So-and-so and So-and-so, Jr.?