I can drouse but not really sleep with the heavy-duty pain meds... but if I do really need them, I don't care, at least for as long as the pain relief is needed.
Something I learned recently, what I've been calling my high pain threshold isn't really technically that. It's not that it takes a whole lot of pain to make me
it, it's that that I can soldier on while enduring it -- that's called pain
Which, btw, makes it harder for doctors to believe you when you say, quite legitimately, that you're in an intense amount of pain. After all, you're not screaming and rolling on the floor, so how painful can it be?
I've forgotten who Saget is/was.
Heh. Funny that two Chicagoans forgot.
I never knew, but now I want to.
I never knew. But it's possible I knew and forgot and then forgot that I ever knew.
I know who Saget is!
But I didn't until for a really long time.
Man, I am tired. Why isn't it time to leave?
ibuprofen,naproxen,Acetaminophen,Aspirin: which of these may be safely taken together?
Not ibuprofen and aspirin. I have taken ibu and tylenol and aspirin and tylenol before. not sure about naproxen.
The funny thing is that I seriously had no idea who Bob Saget was, not even an inkling, and I actually came across something where he mentioned her by name.
Horrible interview with Zack Galiflanakis. [link] The guy is local, and has a column in the arts and entertainment weekly the DMN puts out to compete with The Observer. Occasionally he's funny, usually it's all about what a miserable drunk he is and how he's lucky to make it through life.
Matt, that's an excellent description of how oxycodone and all related drugs make me feel, too. It's unpleasant enough to me that often the pain relief isn't worth it.
Dude, I love that head-floaty feeling!
t /notajunkie notajunkie notajunkie
Not ibuprofen and aspirin. I have taken ibu and tylenol and aspirin and tylenol before. not sure about naproxen.
Naproxen is an antiinflammatory like ibuprofen (and -- sort of -- aspirin). I wouldn't take it WITH ibuprofen or aspirin, but I have taken it 3-4 hours after ibuprofen when the pain wasn't going away.
And you can take naproxen with tylenol.
I mean, technically, I need to say you shouldn't take any of them together. But unless you do it around the clock for more than a day or two, it's generally not going to be a problem. (I say "generally" because obviously people might have drug sensitivities they don't know about, or they might be slow/fast metabolizers of a specific drug, etc.)
And for the love of god people, and I mean this VERY STRONGLY, if you take any drug, and especially anything on a regular basis, DO NOT DRINK GRAPEFRUIT JUICE. I don't mean "don't drink it WITH the drug"; I mean don't drink it AT ALL.
The short version of why is that it basically blocks the metabolic pathway for a lot of the most common drugs, which means the drug isn't getting metabolized out, so it's building up in your system and you are inadvertently overdosing yourself, which can FUCK YOU UP.
So ditch the Sea Breezes if you take medication. Thank you in advance.
And for the love of god people, and I mean this VERY STRONGLY, if you take any drug, and especially anything on a regular basis, DO NOT DRINK GRAPEFRUIT JUICE. I don't mean "don't drink it WITH the drug"; I mean don't drink it AT ALL.
Even ibuprofen? That's nuts!! If so, I will have to strongly consider which part of my normal breakfast I'll have to ditch.