I've known several people who slept much better with CPAP machines.
Oof. After a while at home in the air conditioning, I'm not feeling much better. I really hope I'm not coming down with something. At least tomorrow is a relatively easy day, and then I don't teach on Thursday.
CPAPs are terrific, but now I'm afraid my body's been trained to not sleep without one.
Scary, but really? Explains a lot about my general tiredness and lethargy the last few years.
"You're not fucking sleeping" as as clear an explaination as I've ever heard!
He showed us charts and things that I will let Andrea describe, but essentially I'm not getting enough air.
They give oxygen to people whose oxygen sat. level falls below 90, most people stay above 80, some few fall below 70. Daniel's levels were going as low as 20. So they hooked him up to a CPAP, and it helped a bit. They tried him on a different type of CPAP, made various adjustments, and so were able to bring up the levels, all the way up to around 50. These low dips coincided with the apnea incidents, of course. They want him to go back to another facility with more advanced machines, so they can find a setting or titration or whatever which will help him keep those oxygen levels up above 90.
At one point I kinda freaked out, on the grounds that if he were to need CPR in the middle of the night, it wouldn't do a lick of good - there would be no oxygen in his blood to keep circulating with the chest compressions.
DCJ, I'm so glad they've diagnosed you. I imagine this will be life-changing in a really good way.
Still sending -ma towards S-K and thinking good thoughts for everyone else who needs it.
Pix is there anything Drew could use to alleviate hospital boredom? I would have sent something already but I'm just not sure what.
At this point he's too sick to be bored. I will be very happy when he graduates to boredom. But thanks.
I've been exiled to the waiting room while they install the pict line.
Pix, how scary for you both. I am so sorry and sending much love and ~ma to you both.
Also, sending out continued ~ma to Trudy and amyth's families.
Just finished a Bing energy drink. Yummy cherry juice (all 5% of it), day's supply of various B vitamins, lots of caffeine and other stuff, but I don't feel particularly energized. I may be immune to caffeine by now, except to stave off the headaches.
DCJ, I'm so glad they've diagnosed you. I imagine this will be life-changing in a really good way.
Also, life-extending. The doc said, left untreated this would lead to seriously being dead within a relatively short time - didn't want to make predictions, but said at a guess, 2-5 years before the toll on Daniel's heart would explode.
I've been trying not to think about that much.
but said at a guess, 2-5 years before the toll on Daniel's heart would explode.
I thought he said 5-10 years.
Well, Daniel, even that is not even close to how long we want to keep you around!
The new prognosis is much better.