We went out for a nice lunch, to a place R loves - she had 90th birthday party there.
I told R it was because we're going to celebrate today, today is the day the doctors help B get better.
It's 3:30. She should be out of surgery now or soon-ish. We have not gotten a phone call and I presume we would have had she not survived surgery. We're not expecting to hear from them until some time tomorrow when she is out of recovery.
I'll probably wait around here an hour or so in case of a Heaven Forbid call and then do some very needed grocery shopping.
And I'm ordering myself Hello Kitty Docs for my birthday present to me. I'm ordering two sizes and returning the one that doesn't fit because they're limited edition. Crazy.
I decided on these: [link] Aren't they simply redic?
Glad the surgery went well, amyth!
Fingers crossed for B, Trudy.
I'm glad they found a cause for your husband's problems, Connie. I hope the proposed solution clears everything right up.
And I'm glad your brother came through surgery all right, amyth!
Good news, amyth!
Hang in there, everyone else.
Seriously, Universe, could you give the PixDesigns a break? I think they've more than earned it at this point.
I just did that Celebrity crush meme...I oost after way too many people.
I'm glad they found the source of your husband's pain, Connie. I hope they get it treated well post haste.
Just forced myself to ask a pro for an informational interview. I've been scared stiff about dipping back into VO because I can't afford classes at the moment. Classes are an easier way to get back in the industry and aware of its rhythms. So much has changed since I last took a class (like there are a lot more home studio submissions) that I'm afraid I'm going to blow my reputation before I have a chance to make that reputation.
I desperately need this to work. I don't have that many other jobs I can possibly do with my skillset, background and disability.
Those are so you, Trudy.
Aren't they redic?
I wasn't going to get My Very First Docs until after I manage the foot surgery, but I decided to strike while the kitteh was hot.