Be sure to answer all phone calls and open all letters and emails today, Barbara, as you are likely to receive some interesting communications indeed.
How did your horoscope know your name?
I like overly-specific horoscopes:
"You will go to that little sandwich shop down the block today, as your usual place will be closed due to a death in the family. Your chicken sandwich will be excellent, except it will have too much mayo."
How did your horoscope know your name?
It's a daily one that pops into my email box, so I probably signed up for it at one time. Probably every other Virgo is getting the same one, but I don't care. That one has MY name.
Hey Bitches,
Any thoughts on OTC sleep aids? Imma try that for a few days before I haul my uninsured ass to a doctor.
Any thoughts on OTC sleep aids?
Some people do well with Tylenol PM, or just Benadryl.
Any thoughts on OTC sleep aids?
They are all some variation of Benedryl.
"You will go to that little sandwich shop down the block today, as your usual place will be closed due to a death in the family. Your chicken sandwich will be excellent, except it will have too much mayo."
If Google ever gets into the horoscope business, they will read exactly like this.
They are all some variation of Benedryl.
They sorta' work for me. Probably worth a try on a night or two before resorting to prescription stuff.
Half a dose of Tylenol PM (1 pill) usually knocks me on my ass. But then again, I'm a massive lightweight. The other downside for me is that more than two nights in a row of Tylenol PM or Benadryl and I'm a moody, depressed, draggy mess.
Again Barb = lightweight
Any thoughts on OTC sleep aids? Imma try that for a few days before I haul my uninsured ass to a doctor.
My dad takes some herbal one -- let me see if I can figure out what it is (I don't mean melatonin or valerian or whatnot -- it has a brand name, like "Sleep Now!" or some nonsense; that's what I'm trying to remember).
He has a LOT of trouble sleeping but says this one works really well for him.
Passion flower. Two capsules. Sleep, funny dreams. IME.