Heh. I totally don't get insomnia because I have the opposite problem--I can't get ENOUGH sleep. I am ALWAYS ready for a nap (though naps don't work because I end up thinking "or I could just sleep til morning!"), and pretty much always able to sleep. (Especially "sleep longer", I'm not as bad about staying up, though occasionally....).
Only rarely am I unable to sleep (like, night before a big event or something, when I"m all jazzed up). But I can't imagine. Ick.
Yay smonster! Good decision~ma for you.
No, totally worth the asscaps! YAY, smonster!
I was once, basically, awake for a month.
Actually, I got 2-4 hours of shitty sleep a night which was sufficient to sustain life but not sanity. Cass was nothing short of a saint until I got to the doctor. I've never been that bad since and I won't be without an Ambien stash ever ever ever ever ever ever ever again.
Once, on a road trip, I took a friend's Ativan which knocked me out nicely. It makes sense that anxiety is a big component of my insomnia. Once I have health insurance again I intend to discuss this with my doc.
Heh. I totally don't get insomnia because I have the opposite problem--I can't get ENOUGH sleep. I am ALWAYS ready for a nap (though naps don't work because I end up thinking "or I could just sleep til morning!"), and pretty much always able to sleep. (Especially "sleep longer", I'm not as bad about staying up, though occasionally....).
Woman! Have you done a sleep study? It's possible the sleep you're getting at night is shite.
Wonderful news, Perkins. Wonderful. Oh what a relief that must be.
I am as one with meara on the sleeping. I can always sleep. I probably need to sleep
When I'm anxious about something, my usual way of dealing is to hide from it by falling asleep. I once fell asleep while my boyfriend was yelling at me. Pack for the nerve-racking trip tomorrow or fall asleep? ZZZZZ
Congrats, smonster!!
A bit of good news for me today. A friend is creating a new webseries. She happens to think my album would work well as music in places and asked me if I would allow her to use it. I said yes, of course. I figured that'd be the end of it until the series actually launches whichwill probably be a couple months from now but she's just announced that my music will be used. Given that trying to plug my album has been a really uphill battle, it's super-nice to see it get plugged. She has far more followers than I do.
One of the (many!) reasons I love my naturopath MD is that she takes my insomnia issues seriously. She finally said "You're a life-long chronic insomniac. Seriously, take .5mg of Ambien every night. That's better than you be constantly sleep-deprived".
Let me tell you, this feeling well-rested thing? AMAZING. I had no idea!
Yay Erin's new doc!
And congrats, smonster! Whether or not you take it, it's great that they recognize your awesomeness.
I like sleep. Sleep is good.