Erin is me!
Speaking of which, Erin, I've taken Trazodone for many years. It was my first anti-depressent. It helped the depression a bit, but it was an excellent sleep aid. But I was taking about 300-500mg. I couldn't have stayed awake if I'd wanted to at that dose!
Now, I still take 150 mg to help with the sleep, plus and anti-anxiety drug, a muscle relaxant and anti-histamine. Staying asleep is hard!
ION, God (sic) bless computers, because I've got my entire Billy Idol collection on random play and am very happy.
Ok, when I said I respect most people's religions, I guess I meant I respect their right to believe. I will still mock the wackadooness of some religious beliefs.
To wit, ties in heaven, and thetans.
I DO have problems when other people try to force their worldview upon me, whether by proselytizing or politics. I enjoy a civil conversation; I like learning things, and thinking about things. I don't enjoy being strongarmed into things.
Ok, when I said I respect most people's religions, I guess I meant I respect their right to believe. I will still mock the wackadooness of some religious beliefs.
I, too, love Erin, and am her in key ways.
I guess I meant I respect their right to believe
Wrod, and I demand the same in return.
quester, thanks for the 'fo.
If the traz had worked, I'd be all over it. I don't love that it's an AD that she prescribed strictly for the sleepy, that I wanted Ambien because I know I could take it, go to sleep immediately at say, 11 pm, and wake up at 9 or 10 with no hangover, and thus, reestablish my sleep schedule -- which is what I want. I want to take it for a week or two, get back on track, and then maybe have it around for sleepless nights.
I don't think this is unreasonable. I KNOW how it works with my body; I'm not pleased with experimenting with trazadone and my sleep schedule still being all fucked up.
It's like I had tonsillitis and asked for ampicillin, and the doc said, well, let's try some extra-strength Tylenol first. @@
I'll call her on Monday and see. (I was all kinds of not coherent when I saw her yesterday.) If she doesn't agree, clearly she is not respectful of my own intelligence, and not the doctor for me.
ugh. My uncle is driving me nuts. he is so hot in the ass to sue someone over my father's death, but he has no standing, so he's pushing us to sue. I have been VERY clear from the beginning that I want no part of it. My dad died. It sucked a lot. No amount of money is going to make that okay. It wouldn't even make me feel better, because every time that I spent a dime, I would be thinking "I would give it all back in a second to have my dad." So, my mother filed some paperwork to preserve her right, she wanted me and my brother to do so as well, we said no thanks.
He asked if we had filed a claim, I told him to talk to my mother. He's now texting me asking me if I filed a claim. WTF?
I don't love that it's an AD that she prescribed strictly for the sleepy, that I wanted Ambien because I know I could take it, go to sleep immediately at say, 11 pm, and wake up at 9 or 10 with no hangover, and thus, reestablish my sleep schedule -- which is what I want. I want to take it for a week or two, get back on track, and then maybe have it around for sleepless nights.
Did I miss something? Why didn't she just give you the ambien?
Erin, that was beautiful! I marked it, for it echoes my thoughts. It also screamed Holden Caufield (sp?) from Knowing Tree (I think that was character/book... It was 21ish years ago that I read it).
Pix & Drew, all sorts of ~ma flowing up the 710 to y'all. I should have off tomorrow. Let me know if you want visitors.
ION- I took a long lunch today. Spent the time sitting at the campus cafe, chatting and shamelessly flirting with cute coworker. It will suck when she leaves on the 4th. But had it not been for that, I wouldn't be so flirty.
Back to work.
I like conversations about faith and/or lack of here because it is truly sharing faith rather than proselytizing. We respect each other and the community we have built enough to be able to express vastly different beliefs without that wacky, wacky feeling of being threatened that someone else might have different beliefs that fuels certain segments of modern American Christians' propaganda that their One True Brand of Christianity is under persecution because other sects and religions are permitted to exist.