having that faith and losing it does not have to be seen as a tragedy.
Thanks for posting this, I was thinking the same thing. My own path to atheism was a longer one that included a detour through Wicca, but ultimately I'm a happier and more fulfilled person now than I was then. For me shedding faith turned out to be just part of growing up.
Hey, it's good to see your font here. How are you doing?
Doing well! Work is much less crazy these days, and my energy and general well-being levels are back up due to a number of reasons, so I'm hoping to be less lurky than I have been of late.
having that faith and losing it does not have to be seen as a tragedy.
Yes. This. I agree fully, even though I wouldn't say that I have lost my faith as much as I have kicked down the walls of the box that were stifling it. I suspect most of my old friends from my more churchy days would no longer consider me a Christian, but honestly? That's not their call.
I wouldn't say that I have lost my faith as much as I have kicked down the walls of the box that were stifling it.
That's it exactly, for me.
Erin, seriously, I would page that bitch in the middle of the night.
erika, happy birthday!
I kicked down the walls around my faith years ago, after a somewhat painful period of dithering brought on by growing up in an interfaith family. And then agnosticism. Now I happily pull from lots of faiths, particularly Buddhism, and have been lucky enough to find a church that embraces that and doesn't care that I have Jesus issues.
Zen, sorry you didn't get the resolution you were hoping for. When do you have to go back? And is there a local antique store that would sell the armoire on commission, or are you trying to keep it in the family?
Happy birthday, erika!
And Erin, go beat that doctor senseless. Seriously. YOU know your body.
I finally passed out about midnight and was woken up about 8:30, so I got 8 1/2 hours of sleep after 20 of no sleep, so I feel more or less like a truck ran me over, but better than yesterday.
I think today will be a quite inside pants day with college football and beef stew.
After a slow start I got in a bike ride, started a load of laundry, and am running the roomba. That may be the extent of my being a grown-up today.
Brunch dilemma - eggs and cheese with croissant or eggs with onions and tomatoes in pita?
Erin, tell the doctor a lot of invisible yet potent people are glaring at her right now. No, wait, better not tell her that.
smonster, we aren't going back until he's ready to sign a contract, which better be soon. I'll happily sell it to someone else out from under him. (Literally. He's renting the place and living there now.) We have a cousin who sells antiques, and she'll probably take the armoire on commission. We have enough antiques staying the family!
I am definitely sick today. Stayed home on the couch, curled up with a blanket, rather than going to synagogue.