Erin, tell the doctor a lot of invisible yet potent people are glaring at her right now. No, wait, better not tell her that.
smonster, we aren't going back until he's ready to sign a contract, which better be soon. I'll happily sell it to someone else out from under him. (Literally. He's renting the place and living there now.) We have a cousin who sells antiques, and she'll probably take the armoire on commission. We have enough antiques staying the family!
I am definitely sick today. Stayed home on the couch, curled up with a blanket, rather than going to synagogue.
t Adds more Heath~ma for Drew
Happy Birthday, erika!!!
~ma for Drew.
Hil, I hope you're feeling better soon.
A dear family friend passed away last night at the age of 91. She had a good, long life, but I feel bad for her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, who are all going to miss her so much.
I`m sorry, sj.
Health~ma to Drew and anti-cold~ma to Hil.
Did someone post something about Drew? I mentioned it on Facebook. We are back in the ER. He had severe pain again, and we don't know yet what we are looking at. They've kicked the pain down to a 6 with the super painkillers and have taken enough blood to sate a vampire, an EKG, and a chest X-ray. He will be heading to the CT scan shortly.
Dammit, Drew's Body, quit screwing around and get well. You're scaring us.
Yeah. Scaring the two of us especially. We're staying positive, as much as possible.
Pix, I wondered what the Drew comments were for - I haven't yet checked Facebook today. Dammit. I wish the docs could figure this out. Poor Drew.
My heart is aching for you, Kristin and Drew.
I'm sorry for your loss, sj.