Is traz a good sleepytime pill? Or am I right to be skeptical? Granted, I am at hour 22 of no sleep so my critical faculties are a little off right now, and I may be snarly just because I'm tired.
I hated it, but it works really well for the people for whom it works. Different drugs, different dosages.
It knocked me out but weirdly. And never let go. But I know it's worked for some people. I really hope it works for you, Erin.
Barb, glad to hear your lawyer laughed and can wipe the floor with her. It seems pretty frivolous. It's not like your name is Stephen King or something. And if the names are common, then all the more reason it's a BS lawsuit.
ION- it's day 4 of elevator not working. The service company has put duct tape across the door. And that's it. I'm waiting for the property management manager to get back from lunch, and I'm opening both barrels. I gotta do grocery shopping, which I can't do cause I am not hauling a ton of groceries up 33 steps. And I got laundry to do (well, I already did shorts/socks because I was in the red zone), but I'm not hauling no 50#'s of laundry down 17 steps. And to top it off, my phone number is STILL not in the front door caller, so I can't even call for food delivery, without having to walk down 2 flights of stairs. And I sure can't carry a pizza up 2 flight of stairs on crutches.
IOON- Crazy Tea Bagger Uncle. Well, his wife just sent a petition about the egg recall, and how we need to crack the whip on the FDA and USDA. I explained that would take tax money, as the previous administration stripped the agencies of funding. Crazy, huh.
Well, his wife just sent a petition about the egg recall, and how we need to crack the whip on the FDA and USDA.
But government regulation is bad. It's trusting in the good will and pure motives of business that has made this country great.
Yeah. Let the market fix the problem. People who buy bad eggs will get sick and die, and the companies that sell bad eggs will go out of business. Problem solved.
All hail the hypnotoad!
How are Hypnotoad eggs, anyway?
How are Hypnotoad eggs, anyway?
Not great for use in baking, but make a fantastic Hypnotoad Eggs Benedict.
All hail the Hypnotoad Eggs Benedict!
Careful, those eggs Benedict will be a bunch of traitors!
I called the management office. Got bounced around to a hanful of representives. "I'm the new person in charge of repairs, so I haven't heard about these issues before..." Fine, I'll e-mail you the list AGAIN. And this time I e-mailed the president and managing partner as well. And it looks like they are "waiting on a part" for the elevator and it won't be fixed all weekend.