Emeline chose not to clean her room in a timely manne and then decided to throw an out and out screaming fit which resulted in her being placed in her room while Joe and I watched the new DW ep.
She has been "crying" and kvetching the entire time. I'm having a hard time not laughing.
Clearly, the girl needs a chez, so that she can flop on it dramatically with the back of her hand to her forehead.
No shit. Maybe I'll buy her a corseted dress and petticoats so we get the full effect.
Oh, Emeline.
All, thanks for the wise counsel. I've sent an email which I hope will not make matters any worse. It was very calm and rational.
In happier news... THE KITTEN IS IN THE ATTIC. I REPEAT, THE KITTEN IS IN THE ATTIC. We kept hearing Magnolia meow, and finally N got on top of her closet and popped up the sheet of wallboard covering the opening, and got a positive sighting. She's waiting up there with a can of food right now. Poor little freaked out feral baby kitty!
Some ~ma that she comes to N soon, please?
Yay on kitty semi-returned!
Yay kitty! Kitties are notoriously able to hide.
No fucking clue how she got up there! I mean, we have 14 ft ceilings and no obvious openings to the attic. Unless she went out through the dryer vent and then found another vent to climb back up? IDEK.
Kitty came home! Aww, she figured out where she wanted to be. Quick, seal the house!