So, he hadn't peed by this morning and when they went to investigate why, they found a crystal lodged in his urethra which may or may not have caused damage and the urethra now needs to heal with a catheter in it for 4-7 more DAYS.
Thanks for the pee-ma! It definitely made Taz's human smile.
We got to go visit him this morning, he was spring from his cage and we hung out with him for like an hour in one of the consulting rooms. He seemed to be in good spirits, and the vet is recommending we keep visiting him to keep his spirits up. It's good for our spirits too.
Continued Taz~ma is definitely appreciated. I am just so sad and worried and angry.
Oh Nora, I'm glad you got to see Taz but yeeps 4-7 days! Poor kitty. I hope the vet lets him come home sooner.
Oh Nora. I hope he's back home soon, totally healthy. He needs to reclaim his spots in the kitchen, on the couch, in the corners...
Yay for Taz being treatable! (And cats love to be visited in the hospital. Except they always want to know why they can't go home with you.)
Aw, poor Taz-- but at least now you have a more definitive diagnosis and can visit him.
Jack is wandering around the house looking for his boy-- he's realized that Nate's not just sequestered away playing video games and he is Most Displeased by this turn of events.
I'm supposed to be composing a lesson on writing the older YA, but my motivation seems to be MIA.
*\\o/* Yay treatable Taz!
Well, if the urethra heals up narrower than it began, they will need to perform an operation on him that will basically change his boy peeing parts into girl peeing parts.
I do not like the sound of this surgery but it may not be optional once we move down the path to healing.
Nora, is the crystal something you feel the vet should have spotted sooner? Poor Tazkins. How's Marley faring without his buddy?
Work still going great. Am currently researching fall protection systems, whee!