Hopefully this week allows you to slide into the semester rather than being thrown in head-first.
Well, so far, there's been a lot of trying to get all the computer stuff to work. We're using several different online course supplements, and most of them are great on their own, or at least harmless on their own, but they're supposed to all work together and link things that a student does in one with a gradebook thing in another and let the students seamlessly go between them, and it's not so much working. I think the main problem is that these things have a ton of different customization options, so that different universities and different instructors can get them to work however works best for them, but having a hundred different options in each of five programs makes it nearly impossible to test every combination, and just about everybody will end up picking some setting in one that doesn't cooperate with some other setting in another one.
Tomorrow, I think I'll try to prepare my first few days of lecture notes. There's a new edition of the textbook, and they totally reorganized the first chapter, so I need to figure out what topics go where.