The agent refused to tell her boss b/c she said "He's not going to want to eat the cost on these tickets for clients who think we did a terrible job & who aren't going to use us again."
And if I were her boss, *I* wouldn't want to eat the costs of an employee who hides material information from me, and treats customers as lying sacks of shit. She's just asking to be reprimanded or fired.
I told Lewis, what it boils down to, is she doesn't want to admit that she fucked up in the first place. This all goes back to when the tickets were first booked and she misspelled the names, thereby having to void the tickets and start over. It was on the second set that things went wrong.
Oh, and did I tell you, she's also trying to blame the reservations systems/software, saying that there had to have been some glitch that kept the ticket from being paid for?
ANY excuse to keep from taking responsibility, I swear.
I'm definitely going to write a letter and/or call her boss-- I can't do it right at this moment because I'm so mad, I'm incoherent.
X-posted from Natter:
Quick question: Career fair for one specific company tomorrow, and I know I need multiple copies of my resume. Does it need to be printed on good paper stock, or is that over and done with now?
(I haven't handed anyone a paper resume in YEARS.)
Don't print it on crap, but it doesn't need to be the super special textury stuff anymore. Decent laser printer paper should be fine.
I totally agree that this travel agency is why people book online. No value added, but extra special suck.
I also agree that forwarding the 'he wouldn't want to eat the cost' language to the boss is essential.
The unwillingness to take responsibility thing is what really burns. That lack of maturity makes me weep for my kind.
A dog walker I was meant to shadow today could not grasp,in three tellings of it, that one must close the front door in order to arm an alarm. He 'had' to keep the door open in order to see the number pad...which he could not have seen at all if I had not lent him my glasses.
Later, he blamed me for following him down a wrong block...because he was following me. Anyone want to guess who was holding the map?
I also had to suggest that he NOT sit on a clients' white leather couch in his drippy, sweaty clothes.
Something even more terrible happened and it is only by the grace of dog that no blood was let.
He won't be back. Ever.
But it's my fault for not doing the job for him.
Thanks, brenda. I'm so out of the loop on this stuff; it's been a long time since I've had to job search in earnest.
edit: Urgh, bonny. The lack of self-awareness is astounding.
The lack of self-awareness is astounding.
The worst is that the owner knew all this...and let him loose...assuming that I would save the day. I get that, since I'm there to train, but as I said to her, "Some folks are difficult and teachable. This fellow is difficult."
She was over a barrel, so be sure, but it really could have gone bad.
This makes me want to create the world's most amazing motivational and incentive program for the walkers are really terrific. The ones who are great are like GOLD.
The agent refused to tell her boss b/c she said "He's not going to want to eat the cost on these tickets for clients who think we did a terrible job & who aren't going to use us again." mean, the boss doesn't even know all this happened? WTF? When you say, "Let me talk to your manager," the employee goes and gets the boss. That's how it works! The only reason people stand between clients and their boss is (a) they're getting paid to do so, or (b) they know they're gonna get fired if they let you talk to the boss. If she really thought you were unreasonable clients with ridiculous demands, she would have passed you on to the boss long ago with a silent sigh and a roll of her eyes. That's what bosses are FOR.
I am famous!!!!
Also starring Scrappy as "nearby house!"
When I was a boss I told everyone I supervised to call me the moment they felt things weren't going well and they weren't sure they could fix it themselves.