Sending ~ma to Kato, and to Ginger and her slide show. And rest~ma to those who were attacked by insomnia last night.
I don't know why I consider it an achievement
Well, a good night's sleep, with or without sleep aids, feels like an achievement to me. Also a godsend. Like I'm hugely grateful this morning that I was awakened twice last night and managed to fall back asleep both times.
I'm sitting next to Frisco drinking hot chocolate. Which if he knew, he would want. But he's complaining vigorously because "the smell of your coffee is gross to me."
ha ha! My kids have decided they like the taste of iced coffee. Franny even joked that she wanted a wee cup yesterday morning. I'm trying to remember when my parents first let us drink coffee. I know I didn't drink it until high school, but that was by choice. My siblings were all drinking it by then.
Anxiety is a real problem though. And I wouldn't be surprised if it was leading to more physically obvious problems like insomnia and back pain. Mine can, without a doubt.
Yes, it is, and "just calm down" isn't an Rx, you know? I had one doctor tell me, instead of taking half a Valium, to "just have a stiff drink!" Without knowing if I had a family history of alcoholism, or if I just didn't drink, or anything.
Glad Kato's all right!
Hee, that;s a fun memory thought, Burrell. I couldn't WAIT until I was old enough to drink coffee; I've always liked the smell and taste, but wasn't allowed until I was 12 or so because the caffeine would "stunt my growth."
It was the 70's -- ironic defense, because my family drank nothing but gallons of iced tea (decaf? did they HAVE decaf in the 70's and 80's? Probably, but we never thought of it).
Ha, my parents let me make my own decisions about religion -- I decided not to go to church anymore when I was about 8, and mom and sister went, and dad stayed home -- before they let me drink coffee.
...And now that I think about it, I would totally do the same! M's nine -- if he came up to me and said "I don't want to go to synagogue anymore, and I want some coffee" I'd say "OK, whatever, just keep reading and thinking and have an open mind about other people's religions. But no, no coffee."
Steph, congrats on two night of Ambien-free sleep! And I mean that -- it really IS a minor miracle! I got my Rx last night and Dan and M decided to have a "sleepover" on the couches in the living room last night (M goes back on Tuesday, so it's fun fun party weekend for him) and I was all "Oh. REALLY? I suppose you guys need some time together?"
And I danced upstairs, hung out in my underwear, watched Watchmen and Kick-Ass, did NOT put anyone to bed, was not asked for water or a story or to kill a spider or to chase ghosts away with my mad ninja skills, and took an Ambien and slept in.
It was fucking awesome, even though my nose was running like a sieve because of allergies.
I'm glad Kato's only got a lipoma. I've got one, too! On my shin -- it's weird; it moves. But harmless and painless -- I've had it forever.
Getting up at 7 am for the vet appointment means we've already come back and walked Kato, and now I'm going to fold laundry and put it away. Then possibly a nap, although I feel like a nap might screw up my tenuous hold on un-medicated sleep. God knows I have enough chores to keep me busy all day.
Yeah, I can't nap, unless I'm really sick.
Literally can't. I can lay down and be quiet, but I don't doze.
I gotta fold ALL THE LAUNDRY and clean the catbox, and swiffer the upstairs and clean the kitchen and bathroom.
The boys are responsible for the downstairs, except the kitchen. I know they'll start doing when I start doing -- which won't happen for another hour, because I have to ENJOY my coffee today!
And we have a hang out with a few friends and drink a few drinks while the kids play night tonight, which will be lovely.
Bleh. Pain and TENS and Vicodin is a crappy way to spend a Saturday. I'll try to make it a little better with some spaghetti and a Firefly marathon.
Firefly makes everything better, Hil.
I hope the pain subsides soon.
Oh Steph, I was going to say... I had a lipoma and they really are no big deal. Just to reinforce the It's Good News refrain.
Glad Kato's thing is no big thing, Steph!
Poor Taz has to stay at the vet's all weekend, he hasn't peed since they removed the catheter. We visited him this morning and he is quite a bit more lively than he was before, which is great. He obviously wanted out of there, which is less great, since he's stuck there for a while longer.
We went up to bed at- no lie- 8:30pm last night so when we got up around 7:30 I thought it would be a good idea to hit the farmers market for some shrimp and fish, since we haven't bought any for ages. So we did that and then drove to Metairie to pick up Taz's prescription and then drove to the vet's to drop the meds off, and then drove out to Hollygrove farm to get our box (plus oyster mushrooms, muscadines, and yard eggs) and then headed home with a quick stop at the brewing store to pick up a few bottling gaskets for beer bottling today.
Got home, tidied up, cleaned the floors, and got the laundry on.
I am wiped! We haven't been this productive in one go for ages. I should go to the library today but I don't know if I have it in me.