Nothing looks better after *I* iron it. That's why god made dry cleaners and clothes that look okay if rescued quickly from the dryer.
Oh, this. I don't even know where my iron is. If something is wrinkled and I care, I toss it in the dryer for ten minutes with a damp washcloth. Good enough.
The Woolite wrinkle release spray is a godsend for quick fixes, too.
I've owned that iron for nine years and this is the first time I used it. I watched some Real Simple youtube videos first. Sadly, I don't own a dryer, and I've never found the "hang it in the bathroom while you shower" method to be very useful.
I've never found the "hang it in the bathroom while you shower" method to be very useful.
Maybe if you have a really small bathroom and take REALLY hot showers.
Given that my bathroom has 14' ceilings? I'm thinking NSM.
I just typed out answers to a bunch of those hated questions and you know what? They are so much easier to answer than they used to be! Amazing what feeling competent and having self-esteen can do for ya.
Once, I put a garment in the dryer with a wet towel. I'm not sure whether it made a difference or not in terms of wrinkles.
I did turn the dryer on, just in case you were all wondering.
(and pretty damn mystified to boot) that there was something on my ironing board cover that may have been ::cringes:: cat urine
At least you noticed this BEFORE ironing it into your clothes, right?
I did turn the dryer on, just in case you were all wondering.
Glad you clarified! :)
At least you noticed this BEFORE ironing it into your clothes, right?
Well. I had already ironed my pants. No smell seems to have transferred. Let's hope I don't wake up to a dramatic discolored patch on them.