Ah, see, I probably wouldn't post first in that case. I'd dial 911 or a family member and wait until I got back.
I drive my daughter nuts. She'll call to say she's been injured/in an accident and she gets all bent because I don't sob all over her. Hey, she could call, she was coherent, therefore not dead or dying. I save the wailing and rending for death.
Yeah, I was squeezing the split shut with one hand and typing idly with the other.
I *could* call my parents before I go into the hospital for something unexpected, but that will just worry them. Just because I can speak intelligibly doesn't mean it's not hepatitis or something they don't want me to have by myself.
Nothing looks better after *I* iron it. That's why god made dry cleaners and clothes that look okay if rescued quickly from the dryer.
So glad you aren't posting from Oz, Sail. I once watched a tornado touch down about three blocks away from where I was standing next to my stalled car waiting for a wrecker. It seemed strangely not related to me, and I had nowhere to run anyway. It did help me understand a little the people who are videoing the tornado while saying, "Look at that."
I am horribly ashamed to admit (and pretty damn mystified to boot) that there was something on my ironing board cover that may have been ::cringes:: cat urine. (Srsly, how in the fucking fuck?) Anyway, I used a towel for a cover instead and now have one pair of pants and two shirts all ironed. The effort has been made.
Now to prep interview questions (how we hatesss them, preciousss).
Nothing looks better after *I* iron it. That's why god made dry cleaners and clothes that look okay if rescued quickly from the dryer.
Oh, this. I don't even know where my iron is. If something is wrinkled and I care, I toss it in the dryer for ten minutes with a damp washcloth. Good enough.
The Woolite wrinkle release spray is a godsend for quick fixes, too.
I've owned that iron for nine years and this is the first time I used it. I watched some Real Simple youtube videos first. Sadly, I don't own a dryer, and I've never found the "hang it in the bathroom while you shower" method to be very useful.
I've never found the "hang it in the bathroom while you shower" method to be very useful.
Maybe if you have a really small bathroom and take REALLY hot showers.