I'd think that if you can provide proof of the check being written and sent to an address she provided that was established as not valid, it would provide some leverage on your part.
Yeah, Nora, if she provided an incorrect address, that isn't your fault. Man, crazy tenants! I've been thinking of buying the duplex next to me, but the possibility of crazy tenants makes me quiver with dread.
Sail! Babe, when the story contains "I watched a tornado go by", don't open with "so, this crumble I'm making..." Talk about burying the lede! I almost skimmed past it ("food, okay...") then I saw "tornado" and went "wait, what?" Glad you're okay and nothing bad happened!
But that's my specialty! I tell little stories that are of interest, not report the news. Now, if my car had been swept up and deposited on the top of the state capitol then, yeah, I probably would have led with "My car got stuck on the top of the capitol!!"
For me, I'm glad the story wound up being about crumble.
Jeepers, Sail! Stay safe.
Sorry the ex-tenant is still a PITA, Nora.
Zen, if you are onsite (renting the other half of the duplex) it's probably easier to manage. I've rented from a landlord that occupied the other half of a shotgun double, and it was a pretty nice arrangement for both of us.
You'd have said, "I was baking some brownies, and trying this new recipe, and then my car was swept away and deposited upon the Capitol. But a passing giant ape got it down for me, and he really appreciated the brownies. I should make more!"
Exactly, when it all shook out it was about the crunchy, chewy yumminess that is crumble.
eta: Hahaha! Yes, that is exactly what I would have written. If I survive it, is it really worth scaring the crap out of everyone to say OMGTORNADOSWOOPEDRIGHTMEOMG. Oh, by the way, I'm fine?
eta aren't pants supposed to look *better* after you iron them? ::sigh::
Huh. Mine never seem to. This is why my iron and I have a strained relationship. The ironing board? We're likethis. The iron, eh. Cold shoulder.
-t, I own (and live in) one half of the duplex, and my neighbor in the other half will give me a 6% discount on her asking price because we won't have to hire a real estate agent. It's a good deal. I'm just not sure I'm ready to become a landlord again.
She isn't moving until spring, so I have a few months to get my courage up.
If I survive it, is it really worth scaring the crap out of everyone to say OMGTORNADOSWOOPEDRIGHTMEOMG. Oh, by the way, I'm fine?
Reverse that.
But that's what I did. If I'm here posting, ergo, I'm fine.