As always, Laura, the hivemind is divine. They really pulled me out of this one!
I got to skype for a bit with the Peace March reunion going on in CA. I was super sad to be missing it, but..can I be honest here...seeing the campground and the same dinner line and knowing that people are freezing cold...maybe I'm okay to have taken a pass.
There is zero shade on the campsite and the idea of sleeping in a tent no longer appeals.
It WAS good to see folks though...and the most important ones are coming to DC next month.
It is amazing how some people haven't changed much at all in 25 years...and a blessing to still be connected to them.
Sigh. Now, I think I'll curl up in my dirt-free, non-windy-cold bed and have a good sleep.
Skipping like a skipping thing to say I'm home with my feet up after a long, LONG day of dance competition. The results of the many heats I danced (waltz & tango) are many, many seconds, one third place, and in the most difficult of my tango heats, a 1st place.
My feet hurt.
I dance again on Sunday-- cha-cha & rumba. Tomorrow, however, my feet stay UP.
Woo Barb. That's wonderful.
That sounds delightful, Laura.
and a blessing to still be connected to them.
bonny, how wonderful. And I'm so glad that things went well with your friend today, and that it was mostly a lack of comprehension on her part and not purposefully abusing your friendship.
Went to a party where I only knew two people, and yet found other people that we know in common with at least two random attendees. I am becoming my grandmother, and New Orleans is accelerating the process. Also met a really cool woman who founded and runs this company [link] (hai have my card thx), so that was awesome.
Barb, that's a great first competition! Congrats!!
That's great, Barb!
Sooo, introducing Vlad and Erzabet: [link]