Skipping like a skipping thing to say I'm home with my feet up after a long, LONG day of dance competition. The results of the many heats I danced (waltz & tango) are many, many seconds, one third place, and in the most difficult of my tango heats, a 1st place.
My feet hurt.
I dance again on Sunday-- cha-cha & rumba. Tomorrow, however, my feet stay UP.
Woo Barb. That's wonderful.
That sounds delightful, Laura.
and a blessing to still be connected to them.
bonny, how wonderful. And I'm so glad that things went well with your friend today, and that it was mostly a lack of comprehension on her part and not purposefully abusing your friendship.
Went to a party where I only knew two people, and yet found other people that we know in common with at least two random attendees. I am becoming my grandmother, and New Orleans is accelerating the process. Also met a really cool woman who founded and runs this company [link] (hai have my card thx), so that was awesome.
Barb, that's a great first competition! Congrats!!
That's great, Barb!
Sooo, introducing Vlad and Erzabet: [link]
umm two kitties .. very cute