Brenda, I totally take your point that the friendship will be changed. In fact, it's a bit like Shroedinger's friendship even now. So, I'll have to commit to being okay, regardless.
we xposted, but I want to comment on this. The fact that you've shared that she has been using you for free counseling and business advice... have you gotten anything back from her other than this offer? Not that friendships are strictly quid pro quo, but there should be some kind of balance. I'm thinking of that other friend of yours who moved away and was not there for you at all when you really needed her.
Also, expect a quick email from me momentarily.
smonster, thanks for the historical memory and support.
What I've gotten so far is that both she and her walkers DO refer me. It's goodly symbiotic when she has a problem client that I can fix.
She occasionally puts a doggy lama tip in her email newsletter that reaches the people I want to reach in the neighborhood.
It raises my prestige to be associated with the most successful service on the Hill.
As for the 'payment' for the staff meeting lectures, she has offered to have my house cleaned. I have not taken her up on that yet, which is on me.
She encourages me and offers contacts when she can.
Speaking of the other friend, THIS friend had her people clean my house when I was in the hospital. She brought me food (along with a LOT of other people), she had one of her walkers take Bartleby for a midday walk for a week when I could not manage.
So, it's not nothing.
I think a partnership could be mutually beneficial. We both just need to take a HUGE breath, and imagine what that might look like in a realistic, forward-moving way rather than what I see now has been a knee-jerk, manic desire to suppress some anxiety that does not belong to me.
Damn I love our collective wisdom. All hail the hivemind; we always roll deep.
Or, should I say, "So say we all."
I'm still feeling verklempt at all the dismissal of $20/hour as being low-level wages. In Utah that's the kind of money that makes people go "Wow, you better not risk losing that."
it is low for what she is being asked to do, not "low" in absolute terms.
And the cost of living in D.C. is probably a bit higher.
I'm still feeling verklempt at all the dismissal of $20/hour as being low-level wages. In Utah that's the kind of money that makes people go "Wow, you better not risk losing that."
What le nubian said. If I'm offered $20/hr to work in a convenience store, that's phenomenal. My sales, operations, policy, and consulting expertise? Worth a lot more. Ten years ago I was billing out at $125/hr right out of law school.
And the cost of living in D.C. is probably a bit higher.
Average 1 bedroom rent is $1734 and 2 bedroom is $2066. That doesn't include parking which can range from $0-$200+ month (if you have a car).
smonster, gratefully backflung.
Connie, I TOTALLY take your point, and would not have felt bad at all if the requested service was managing the office and answering client queries.
5 years ago, I managed a law office for $25 dollars an hour and felt great about that. That gig did not engage my over-educated skill sets.
The cost of living discussion really is relevant. I don't own a car because doing so is outrageous, plus extremely stressful.
I live really, really close to the ground and my expenses would probably make the baby jesus weep.
Yeah, SLC is way cheaper than a metropolis.