Also - StW is writing up an example case for a class he's teaching, and totally used me as the model for the patient - age, occupation, cat owner. He showed it to me and I was like, "Is this the doctor equivalent of writing me into a song?" He laughed and said, "Yeah, maybe."
OMG, this is better than fic! I am tickled to death by your new relationship.
At this point, I don't care what her intent is. She's still taking horrible advantage of you.
This. Bonny, you are *aces* at helping people develop and defend boundaries; now you need to do that here, for your own good.
She can be resistant while you're off doing other things for more money.
Like dog walking. You'd think she'd grasp that what she's asking you to do is more important to the company than what the interchangeable dog walkers do.
Bonny, you are *aces* at helping people develop and defend boundaries; now you need to do that here, for your own good.
Fucking word. How would you counsel a friend in this sitch?
Like dog walking. You'd think she'd grasp that what she's asking you to do is more important to the company than what the interchangeable dog walkers do.
Amen and hallelujah. ::gospel hand::
I am tickled to death by your new relationship.
Maria, isn't that too funny? We have very different personalities, so I'm learning how he expresses affection. He's not as frequently verbal about it as I am, but clearly he has ways.
but clearly he has ways.
I love it. It's just so... perfect.
(Yes, I'm sure he has faults, but I am a sucker for the beginning of a relationship.)
I am tickled to death by your new relationship.
Took the words right out of my mouth. Charming!
How would you counsel a friend in this sitch?
1) bleed off the overwhelmed energy so you can think clearly.
With all y'all's help...CHECK.
2) Focus on what you want, vs what you don't want and present a cogent counter proposal.
I will do this when I chat with her tomorrow, beginning with, I will do certain things on a task by task basis until we complete a clear contract for services which will be finished by the middle of next week.
3) Be clear about boundaries and make recommendations for getting the things I cannot do done by someone else.
I want to ensure that we do not blow up our friendship and that she is clear about what I believe is inadvertent advantage taking.
4) We will research _together_ the going rate for the larger the PR campaign and come to an agreement as to how that will be paid.
If it is not a retainer, than a projected income with incremental goals/payments.
5) I will be crystal clear that doing VP duties for admin pay is not acceptable.
Just because she paid her previous staff manager that rate does not mean it is appropriate for the additional service and much higher quality she will get with me.
The imperative she feels because that person quit and left her in the lurch is not for me to take on. I care, but I won't suffer.
6) We will choose a time-limited honeymoon period...I'm thinking 3 months. At any time during this period, one or both of us can declare "NO FIT" without penalty to our friendship or future business potential.
After that, we will make a concrete contract, including pay, benefit and exposure incentives.
When we talked about the big, new business structure, I asked how the doggy lama brand would fit in. She was hesitant...probably because it hadn't occurred but if it isn't "X Services, featuring the doggy lama, I could spend a few years out of the market and have to start from square one. That won't do.
7) I want a clause that says, if it isn't fun, we won't do it.
Just because. I can be miserable as a solopreneur, I don't need a job for that!
Barb, may your toes twinkle and your sequins shine! Good luck twirling and wowing the crowd at the dance competition.
Barb, much luck and dance~ma to you, bella mia.
Sounds great, bonny! I like them all, but 6 and 7 might be my faves. Reminds me of something Danielle LaPorte wrote - I don't dig all her stuff, but I like this one [link] Because that is how I fucking roll. I'm writing my cover letter right now with an eye to making sure my passion for decon/material reuse shines through.
(Yes, I'm sure he has faults, but I am a sucker for the beginning of a relationship.)
I've got a weather eye out... nothing spotted so far that raises a red flag. Trying to balance the WHEEEEEE with not getting overwhelmed by the twitterpation. Y'all know that can happen to me. A superwise friend counseled me, "Sometimes two people just *work*." So maybe that's what's happening here. Lordy, that'd be nice! I kind of feel like I'm due, though I know that's not how the universe functions.