So DH did the one thing I told him not to do--google melanoma and survival rates. Thanks to Ginger, I talked him off the ledge. The length of time until his surgery is already starting to get to him.
Kate, I'm glad to hear that life continues for all of you, even though it's not what everyone expected. I hope everyone gets to the point where they remember him with only fondness rather than sadness.
Mom did not freak out. She said, "I'm so happy for both of you. Tell D this means he
to come to family gatherings at the park from now on."
I did get some anti-anxiety drugs for the period between diagnosis and surgery, Maria. In my case, crying on the phone to the advice nurse got me a prescription. I found if I took one when my brain started ratcheting up, I could keep the jitters to a dull roar. Try to keep him on
I don't mention this often, but my diagnosis had a 17% five-year survival rate. It's been six since I finished treatment. I figured that people survive, and I might as well be one of them.
So, when I've hit the point of swinging between numb and wanting to cry, I think that means I should take half a Xanax. Oh, and eat lunch, and have coffee.
On the bright side, my agent is in town for a conference, so I'm meeting up with her tonight for drinks and socializing.
how long have you been with D?
are you scared, or just accepting of your current status?
I figured that people survive, and I might as well be one of them.
I'm extremely glad you beat those odds, Ginger!
I figured that people survive, and I might as well be one of them.
Exactly! I'm very glad about that, Ginger.
I met D in ...2001? I know we were sleeping together by 9/11. Macabre way to mark time.
But we broke up within a year and remained friends, (occasionally more) then roommates.
I can picture myself loving noone but him until I get old. I am scared, maybe a little for him because I'm afraid what if he doesn't know what he wants?- maybe I'm not the best partner for him.
And it's not like I'm calling all my secondary partners who weep as I tell them I'm off the market. We've pretty much been monogamous for a year and a half.
I thought he was a very persistent roommate. Now it is all clear.