So, when I've hit the point of swinging between numb and wanting to cry, I think that means I should take half a Xanax. Oh, and eat lunch, and have coffee.
On the bright side, my agent is in town for a conference, so I'm meeting up with her tonight for drinks and socializing.
how long have you been with D?
are you scared, or just accepting of your current status?
I figured that people survive, and I might as well be one of them.
I'm extremely glad you beat those odds, Ginger!
I figured that people survive, and I might as well be one of them.
Exactly! I'm very glad about that, Ginger.
I met D in ...2001? I know we were sleeping together by 9/11. Macabre way to mark time.
But we broke up within a year and remained friends, (occasionally more) then roommates.
I can picture myself loving noone but him until I get old. I am scared, maybe a little for him because I'm afraid what if he doesn't know what he wants?- maybe I'm not the best partner for him.
And it's not like I'm calling all my secondary partners who weep as I tell them I'm off the market. We've pretty much been monogamous for a year and a half.
I thought he was a very persistent roommate. Now it is all clear.
It is weird being a bisexual girl whose partner
want her to bring chicks home. Makes me feel kinda special.
He's oppressing your bisexuality! That's not fair!
Good on you find your lobster, Laga. I wonder if I have one.
He's oppressing your bisexuality! That's not fair!
I swear this is exactly how I used to feel. And this guy, you guys. I was so dumb.
meanwhile I sat in front of my computer wishing ita dated girls.