Look, if it was absolutely necessary for him to have the surgery tomorrow, then I will goddamned make sure he has the surgery tomorrow, and it will eventually be paid for. If waiting a month is OK according to the doctor, then get off of my shit for weighing our options. I'm not that fucking callous or heartless.
Generally speaking, evidence-based treatment is on your doctor's side here. You could blind her with science and statistics, but sadly, I doubt it would help. So this is me, reminding you, just in case you need it.
(And yes, I've had family go through melanoma treatments in Soviet Canuckistan.)
Sending you much ~ma and good vibes, Maria.
Do you have to answer the phone?
DH is dealing with his mother. I've removed myself from the situation.
Your DH needs to weigh in on this with his mother. She needs to know that it is his decision, and she doesn't have any say in it, unless she wants to GIVE you guys 15k.
It will settle down. She's uber-freaked because her mother passed away from melanoma at the age of 57. We need to let her be for now, until she regains some equilibrium. Doesn't mean the innuendos didn't hurt, but that's why I have you all and my sister.
Barb, I'm sorry it didn't work out.
bonny, I'm thinking good thoughts for you and Bartleby.
Generally speaking, evidence-based treatment is on your doctor's side here. You could blind her with science and statistics, but sadly, I doubt it would help.
I need to make DH believe this. He is right on the edge of freaking out. He is convinced he's going to be one of the 5-10% where it HAS spread to the lymph nodes. He's petrified that this is it, and I can't tell him otherwise.
So this is me, reminding you, just in case you need it.
I love you people. Really, truly, and honestly. You give and give without expecting anything in return. One of these days I will stop taking so much, I swear.
Thank you, Burrell.
You give and give without expecting anything in return. One of these days I will stop taking so much, I swear.
::looks at Maria's file. "Evil Psychic Black Hole of Always Taking" is definitely NOT checked off. "Pure Awesome 100%" however is checked::
Your file looks good to me.
David - could I request that a line item be added to that file that says, "And smokin' hawt, no matter what."
Ta ever so.
::updates Maria's file. Uses special "Smokin' Hawt, No Matter What" stamp with sig. line for Aimee::
Oh Maria, you are so not a taker, please.
{{{{{Maria}}}}} Continue ~ma to you and your DH.
You people constantly clear the bar for total awesomeness every time....
I'm extra-aware of how I appear to be coming off here, because I haven't been as active over the past few years, yet when I do post, it's always to ask for something for me and/or my family. I'm not here, engaged, like I used to be. I don't wish people happy birthdays, I'm hit and miss with ~ma for everyone else, and I am rarely just shooting the shit about everything and nothing anymore. And yes, I realize my self-consciousness about this is just more fodder for the "It's all about me" demon.