You people constantly clear the bar for total awesomeness every time....
I'm extra-aware of how I appear to be coming off here, because I haven't been as active over the past few years, yet when I do post, it's always to ask for something for me and/or my family. I'm not here, engaged, like I used to be. I don't wish people happy birthdays, I'm hit and miss with ~ma for everyone else, and I am rarely just shooting the shit about everything and nothing anymore. And yes, I realize my self-consciousness about this is just more fodder for the "It's all about me" demon.
Good wishes aren't a finite resource, and no one's keeping score.
Sweetness, sometimes life gets busy, or crappy, or ALL OF THE ABOVE.
You've got plenty in the bank with us, Sorella. Don't worry about us. This is a safe haven for you to come when you don't have anything else to give. Life is asking much of you now. It doesn't cost you anything to come in here and have a breather, and have people pet your hair.
Good wishes aren't a finite resource, and no one's keeping score.
Sweetness, sometimes life gets busy, or crappy, or ALL OF THE ABOVE.
Double yeah! We are here for you, no matter what.
Sweetie, you slept in my spare bed, we've known you for years. You aren't taking, ok? Hell, at this point in my posting history, I'm hitting the evening hours only and skipping a bunch, so I feel like I'm not counting folks. Anyway, you know, don't fret and there's always a place in Bmore for you and your DH if you need it.
Baby, we just miss you. We are happy to see you and happy to be there for you whenever you need it, however you need it. Don't feel bad, really.
My roommate has a Wm. Faulkner quote tattooed on her ribs. Seriously, she is awesome.
tattooed on her ribs.
Ow ow ow ow. I am impressed.
"the mausoleum of all hope and desire." It's not small script, either. And she's got another one planned for the opposite hip
I am really one of the luckiest people in the world. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
My roommate has a Wm. Faulkner quote tattooed on her ribs. Seriously, she is awesome.
Too cool. And ouch.