so there waa kitten running around in the parkng lot
by 430 he wa home complaing in my bathroom.
he complains a lot. he is a Siamese. I do not know it he has food or water yet or used the liter box - the water was spilled
so far Nathaniel has seen him and is not impressed.
Aw--- go beth with the talkative kitty.
Kitten! Siamese are talkative.
oh beth! That's how Burrell came into my life. yay kitten!
Oh! Scrappy and DH wishes for an awesome next year!
(I knew I'd forgotten something...)
I second Barb's Vistaprint rec. They have crazy deals ALL THE TIME -- I think I got 250 for something like $14 with S&H.
Also, Barb -- Secret -ma to you!!
Siamese are chatty buggers. Torties are talkers, too. Gimlet meeps and snurfles all the time.
Quick dash in to wish Happy Anniversary to the Miracleborns and Scrappy and her DH. Ah, I see I'm minutes late. Happy belated then, and a wonderful year ahead wished to all of you.
miracleborns, scrappy and DH - hope it was the beginning of another great year
Nathaniel was named sort of after Nathaniel Hawthorne - he sometimes looks like him.
new kitten is Jonathan Edwards -- he lecture like him
he complains a lot. he is a Siamese.
Yes. He will, indeed, have many opinions on many topics, and will enthusiastically and diligently share them with you as often as possible. Be prepared for him to think rules such as "no cats on kitchen counters" do not apply to him because he will never recognize that there is a species difference between humans and cats therefore different protocols may apply to each.
Be prepared for him to think rules such as "no cats on kitchen counters" do not apply to him because he will never recognize that there is a species difference between humans and cats therefore different protocols may apply to each.
Wait, isn't that ALL cats?
ION, whatever ick I have is getting worse, not better so it's time for a doctor/clinic visit.
Wait, isn't that ALL cats?
Yes, but Siamese do it three times as hard as the average cat.
Hope the doctor can do you some good.