x-posted from Natter (I actually meant to post this here, but oh well)
I had the funniest texting conversation in my entire life last night, so much so that I decided I had to immortalize it. I typed up the transcript and am cutting/pasting it over here. It was between my two best friends (C and B) and me. The two of them went to the Hollywood Bowl to see a concert last night and proceeded to get very drunk on red wine, despite the fact they had to catch a flight to Mexico today for C's sister's wedding. Hilarity ensued.
Best Text Conversation EVER
C’s phone:
We might be drunk at the bowl. Thank heaven for public transit
Hee hee hee. You’re just practicing for the rest of the week.
C’s phone:
OMG. Driunk and llospt.
Oh dear. I hope you get ffoundp!
C’s phone:
Oh deargodo
Do I need to rescue you two?
B’s phone:
C stole b Phonw. Ausw mined died. Still lost but b confibsrnr.
Wow. That text was worthy of Drew on drugs.
B’s phone:
I blame the red sine. Wine
B’s phone:
It’s all b’s fault
B’s phone:
Oh ignore het. Sesame st!! N
Are you two arguing with each other via text over the same phone? That’s awesome.
B’s phone:
Maybe. Bur too drunk to notice says C
B’s phone:
Where us subway?
Um. Down the hill? A long way?
B’s phone:
Oh jeeZ. Maam? R u kidding mr
Where ARE you two?
Oh right. You don’t know.
B’s phone:
We are at mr fuzzy. I love mr fuZzy.
B’s phone:
O think b lives near here.
Mr fuzzy?
B’s phone:
YES subway time!
B’s phone:
I the subway took my cc. Win
Water. Water is your friend.
B’s phone:
We like salsa
Also water.
B’s phone:
Who ate them people?
[At this point, I had to text our friend Fionn to share this awesome conversation. Apparently he and a couple of our other friends started texting B’s phone commenting on their texts.]
B’s phone:
Dis you tell fionn of Joe re wheat bread???
Um. Wheat bread? What?
Fionn and I exchange things that make us laugh. At the moment, you two are making me laugh. Joe and Leia happen to be hanging out with him.
B’s phone:
Yeah. We are so not drunk. I swear. )this is c. Phone still dead
B’s phone:
No swear. Phone dead.
It’s really a damn shame texting won’t be possible in Mexico. I could start a blog.
B’s phone:
Bacon? You had bacon?
B’s phone:
B is curious.
B’s phone:
Bacon? What? Are you meaning to text me?
B’s phone:
U blame Fiobn
Fiobn is to blame for many things.
B’s phone:
Thai food = good
B’s phone:
Yes. And now that I know you two are happily eating and not lost on a subway platform somewhere with Mr Fuzzy, I need to go to sleep. Night, besties!
B’s phone:
Night! (I lost b. This is C.. Bur there is food)
Try to lose B. She is cute.
[I never heard back, but hopefully C eventually found B, charged her phone, and made it home.]