Spidra, it might be worth checking with individual providers in your area, to see if they're willing to bill on a sliding scale. My therapist in NJ did.
Don't feel bad about feeling bad! It takes a certain level of self-awareness and objectivity to understand your childhood from an adult perspective, and your family from an outsider perspective. Realizing what you lacked in childhood is how you start knowing and getting what you need now.
Skipping to shamelessly post new photos of baby starting here! [link]
Much ~ma to those in need (Drew!).
Skipping to shamelessly post new photos of baby starting here!
Such a cutie pie! I love the pictures where you can see his little teeth.
Have we heard from bonny since this am ?
Sending the ma~~~~ to bonny , Drew, and newphew.
and luck to spidra and Connie in finding who they need
eta: sorry Sean, I must like you some because I worry about you
Cute photos, Glamcookie!
Sorry to vent again so soon:
My mom's been in this cleaning and fixing frenzy ever since she arrived back home yesterday. She hasn't been here for months and she walked in the door and first thing cleaned out the fridge. Major projects. She's put my two other siblings to work (they get paid) and luckily she isn't bothering me too much as long as I stay out of the common areas of the house.
I was just downstairs giving something to her when I heard her telling my brother he had to re-do a major cabinet hinge fixing job tomorrow afternoon. Just in case there was a full day of major projects, I reminded them that I was having people over tomorrow afternoon. No one listened to/heard me except my sister. I repeated that I had invited people over since it was my birthday (in fact, I asked a month or more ago for permission to do that AND I sent a reminder email to my mom last night about it). Yet another moment when I *hate* being part of such a big family. People think the eldest gets special attention but not in my case. No, just like most of us, I feel like I don't matter because there's plenty more where I came from.
The Dorothy Parker quote was great. Sometimes black humor is all that gets me through.
ETA: okay, clearly I don't know how to whitefont.
Much ~ma to your friend's brother, lisah!
Can't people come over while your brother works? Your gathering isn't in the same room, is it?
Spidra, that's shitty.
Spidra, it might be worth checking with individual providers in your area, to see if they're willing to bill on a sliding scale. My therapist in NJ did.
My therapist here does, too.
I was wondering about bonny, too. I have a number but not sure if it's home or cell... I think I'll try giving her a call.
Left a message.
eta sent an email, too. Going to bed now but will let y'all know when I hear from bonny.