You do realise that's how Sang Sacre started, pretty much, right?
They just walked the bigwigs (the no-jeans-causing bigwigs) through our section. While I'm eating at my desk. Luckily there's no line of sight. Lots of people scurrying closer to their desks to hide their contraband denim.
Obviously, the Buffista Academy will need some version of Jilli's basement with gilded cages for pretty people (and lots of cushions there).
I'll volunteer my books and my services (art history, history, archaeology, and first-year language books in, um, FOUR languages).
No, I didn't.
My mom will think that is bitchin, though.
Hec, have you seen Treme? Because I think you would less than 3 it. Muchly.
What would I do at Buffista Academy?
Crime and Punishment? Although not the big Russian one cause I haven't read it yet.
Invective for Beginners?
Um, I could bring the cans of peaches, keep our meetings running great.
Aims, what works for you? I think the L'Engle Tesseract Room is available on Wednesdays at 11, and Le Chambre du Perrault on Monday afternoons.
I'll take Monday for the YA class and Wednesday for the FLMF class.
I know, ita. People rarely play there anymore :( But I always feel like I need to write a well-crafted vignette there, and noodling about with BA, I can just fantasize in snippets of random.
I can take it there, I suppose, if people want me too.
And a yarn store.
Pffft, no. We need a yarn
You know how expensive that shit is.
(and by "collective" I mean as in "free!" not as in "boring hippie co-op drama")
A fully equipped craft room! yarn, sewing materials (and machines), beads ...
Ok, now THAT is the room I will stay out of! (Or, on my evil days, I will redirect the cats from the cat and pillows room into...
oh you crazy crazy people, it was some discussion similar to this about bookshelves and libraries that went on for 100s of posts (or it seemed like at the time) that made me tell my friend, and former poster, marthac "they're crazy, can't they just talk about the shows?!?" good times.
IOcrazypersonN - FOOD REPORT
finished off a bag of raisins, mac finished off a bag of goldfish, I cooked up some chickpeas and had them on a salad along with some homemade salad dressing (using oil/vinegar/mustard/spices), made cornbread (using cornmeal and jalepeno tabasco).
I am running out of things mac will eat, so am actually having to buy weekly stuff for him, but he is still assisting in using up the condiments.