Oh dear god....
Every once in awhile a comic book catches my eye at the comic book store that's so disturbing, so weird and so ultra bizarre that I cannot ignore it. This is the case with Henry & Glenn Forever, a comic so odd, so inventive and yet so morally wrong I could not put it down.
The premise is simple: Henry Rollins and Glenn Danzig are "close friends" and "roommates" who just happen to live in suburbia. Their neighbors just happen to be Hall & Oates who are Satanists.
Told as a series of vignette comics that hold nothing sacred, this is a great collection of odd and bizarre strangeness of such brilliance that it cannot be ignored. Each page is funnier then the one before it and you never, ever know where it's going.
Igloo Tornado is the collective of artists and madmen behind Henry & Glenn Forever. They are clearly warped in that brilliant way that good comic creators just aren't anymore.
The book not only takes the piss out of Rollins and Danzig, it mangles their self worth and celebrity beyond recognition. Fans of DIY fanzines and punk rock will love this. So will anyone looking to have a great and hearty laugh at the expense of all things Rollins or Danzig. This is some really great crazy stuff.