editorial: The lesson of Rand Paul: libertarianism is juvenile
The concluding paragraph:
And that's why the best rap on libertarians isn't that they're racist, or selfish. (Though some of them are those things, and their beliefs encourage both bad behaviors, even if accidentally.) It's that they're thoroughly out of touch with reality. It's a worldview that prospers only so long as nobody tries it, and is too unreflective and self-absorbed to realize this. In other words, it's bratty. And that's bad enough.
The Onion,
Sarah Palin's Speaking Demands
* Children's caretaker must be of Korean ethnicity or higher
Oh dear.
* 50-gallon aquarium containing a minimum of eight piranhas that haven't been fed in a week and a bucket of ducks
* Palin must have "five (5) black pillar candles of 13" in length and 3" in circumference, one (1) stone altar of Baphomet, one (1) obsidian dagger, and one (1) baby delivered to her dressing area no less than two hours prior to her speech"
Google logo designer must be a sweet gig.
I was going to say that I thought I was a Libertarian until I grew up, and then I thought, oh god how offensive is that, and then tommyrot linked to a Salon article saying basically exactly that, and now I don't know if I'm offensive or not. I'm sure that someone could be a grown-up Libertarian, it's just that *I* couldn't.
I think atheism is defined by #1. Anything else is agnosticism. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Rand Paul is a tool. He's the wrong tool for the job.
Stinky Look lady is wearing a sweatshirt jacket. I'd
wear one of those to work. Also my dragon is righteous.
Having seen the dragon tights, I bet the lady giving you the stink-eye because she wouldn't look as good as you do in those awful, awful things you should never wear to work, did you *see* her, what is this place coming to, hmpf, where's my sweatshirt?
I think you can make room for #2. In the strictest sense though, I agree that it's #1 and that's it.
So, I have to keep typing the title of the movie The Crazies. Guess how many times I've had to go back and correct myself typing The Craxies. Go on, guess.
Ooh, those tights are HOT.
ita is the office hussy, pass it on.