I heard some of his interview on NPR, and it's been a long time since I've heard someone that weasel-y. He was all "I would have marched with Martin Luther King!" and "I think we should eliminate institutional racism!"
Yeah, GOOD LUCK eliminating institutional racism without, you know, CHANGING the fucking institutions.
I should probably edit out all the comments where I call myself a dumbass in the test release notes, huh?
I was watching him with Rachel Maddow last night, and I couldn't take him in more than 2-minute chunks, so I kept on stopping the recording to watch Jeopardy or other dvr'd shows when I couldn't listen to him weasel around anymore.
Dylan just ran through the sprinklers at the playground and then ran back to me crying "I'm wet I'm wet!" Am I a bad Mommy if my response was "well, no duh, you were in the sprinklers"?
I was watching him with Rachel Maddow last night
Me too. I was astounded. That guy out-weasels every other weasel on the planet. He is the King Weasel of Ferretopia.
She's talking precisely about my job, that's what she's doing.
My job too, kind of.
So I just found out I won a $300 gift certificate to a veddy nice spa in town. It's was a mother's day draw...I hope they don;t ask for proof of kids!
Am I a bad Mommy if my response was "well, no duh, you were in the sprinklers"?
I think it's the only rational reply. Cause --> effect. If he doesn't like it, it's self-correcting.
Timelies all!
I've never worked in an office. Therefore all this jargon is gibberish to me. (Not that there isn't jargon in my job, but it's more science-y)
Someone please make my plane start boarding.
So, I don't know much about Rand Paul except what I've heard over the past few days, but he's a fuckhead, right?
I think he's just a very idealogical libertarian. Government should not regulate how a private business conducts its business even when it does something like blatantly discriminate, or, presumably, pollute or endanger workers.