This copyright thing is really crazy.
Let me get this right- while teaching at my uni, I have a lecture I have worked long and hard to develop called "What is a costume?" It calls upon several source materials, plus just stuff from my own head and years of experience. I have this in a powerpoint handout that I give to the students. So, not only does the uni "own" my lecture and get to use it (which is really no use to anyone without me talking because it is a really bare bones power point), but I cannot give that same lecture/handout to another class if I get another job? So basically I have to go back to the drawing board and figure some other way to define a costume? (this really doesn't apply to me, because my contract does not specify teaching at all, and I am an independant contractor)
For those dissing the Clive, allow me to link the picture which is my current desktop, and which has been known to cause visitors to my office to stop midsentence to gaze in awe. [link]
From a couple of hours ago, SPN FCM:
Cheater! The SPN FCM was Dean, Sam, John.
In more stupid people tricks, two Georgia Tech students were badly burned [link] when they mixed aluminum oxide and iron oxide and applied a heat source.
I'm sorry about their injuries, but the stupid, it burns. Can you spell thermite, children? How about exothermic reaction? Can you spell Darwin?
C Mark Dacascos, F Oded Fehr, M Dwayne Johnson
M Simon Baker F Owain Yeoman C Tim Kang
HR for the potential job just called home, wanting to schedule a phone conference. I gave them husband's cell phone number. Ack. Ack.
People! My friend's daughter will be on America's Got Talent. She is a plus size burlesque dancer, and while the dumb audience may have booed her, she is awesome!
The Transporter drives an Audi. That is kinda his Thang, IIRC.
I lurves Statham in the Transporter movies. I am stuck on that one...No M; just F. He travels too much, anyway.
I am still Full of Gronk. Ugh.
I just made some frozen lobster/shrimp ravioli, with a garlic butter dressing, with some frozen garlic toast, all from Target.
WIN. Got it all for $10, and took 15 minutes, one pot and a colander.
UGGHHHHH. And I remembered tomorrow is my evening in service, and Burn Notice and Royal Pains start tomorrow nigh. :pout:
Yes, I am DVRing them, but I wanted to watch them with Dan.