I should flip those questions and ask:
- The Transporter
- James Bond
- The Audi Driver
- Damon Salvatore
- Spike (souled or unsouled--take your pick)
- Josef
For the actors, F Statham, M Owen, C Craig. F Dohring C Somerhalder, M Marsters (that's just weird).
For the characters: F The Audi Driver, C Bond (liability on the level of Sam Winchester!), M The Transporter; C Damon, F Josef, M Spike (unsouled, and I'd like to be vamped too, thanks).
Huh. Still not dealing well.
That looks ridiculous. Like she's wearing a policeman's cap, but on her chest.
My first thought was that her breasts were graduating from college.
Kristen ftw.
Hey, I didn't chuck Clive.
M Spike (unsouled, and I'd like to be vamped too, thanks).
We're all dreadfully shocked. Really.
Hey, I didn't chuck Clive.
He is totally hubby and father material, I swears. Good call.
We're all dreadfully shocked. Really.
So much for my air of mystery.
C Josef, F Spike, M Damon (but only if he turned me). It was a difficult choice, but I think I'd find Damon more entertaining in the long run than Spike. Not to mention that Dru is still roaming around out there, and I wouldn't want to get her angry with ME.
F Tennant.
Oh, have we moved on from that? I got kinda stuck there.
M Damon (but only if he turned me)
Is this how unsurprising I was?
Wow, the FCM flies fast here. From a couple of hours ago, SPN FCM:
F: Dean. (mmmmmm)
C: Sam (yeah, he just doesn't trip my trigger)
M: Castiel (that's one fine looking vessel)
And the actors would play out the same way, with Misha getting bonus points for his particular brand of crazy.
Is this how unsurprising I was?
What? Stick with the classics, I say.