I would take it! It takes a long time to make soil that good.
HA! I will go outside and take photos of Worm Porn soon, then.
Also, junk pile wood, and shelving in garage.
I think I will try to sell the shelving, though. There is a ton of it, and someone trying to organize their garage for cheap would have a shelf-gasm. It's metal sectional shelving, and in good shape. I will keep some, though, for our own garage, and the basement, but I think I will just say $40 for the rest.
I had a bagel. I was shaky. Eat, fool. I think I will clean the upstairs while it is still hot and superhumid out, and do some picture-taking and more raking when I get the coals going for grilling.
Shit I Have Done Today: called dentist to confirm tomorrow's appt, called psychiatrist and set up appt, called plumber and set up appointment for tonight, raked driveway, did dishes, put pruned branches in yard bags.
I just found out via a comment on my facebook link that a friend of mine has. He said it is truly amazing in person.
I just drank a can of coke and am getting very sleepy. does that seem right? bad coke!
I just went to a meeting where people didn't introduce themselves to me. I introduced myself to them! Because we don't know each other! I only realized this when I went to write up the meeting, so I had to ask a coworker (not at the meeting) who they might have been. Manners, people!
That's not right, msbelle!
I love all the Chicago stuff they`ve been doing to support the Blackhawks! It`s great to see the city getting behind the team when they`ve struggled for so long.
Yes, Erin, leaf mold and earthworms are garden porn.
The city of Chicago has dyed the fountain at Daley Center red in honor of the Black Hawks making it to the Stanley Cup--looks gruesomely wonderful!
It looks like a sign of the apocalypse.
Does anyone want to give a blog post a once over? It's going to a copy editor so it doesn't have to be perfect. I just want to know if it sounds fine and not completely stupid, because I seem to have a case of that today.
Jesse, I gave a presentation at a conference Friday, and not only was I not introduced, there was nobody official in the room to start the session. I stood up and said, "well, I guess we should get started" and introduced myself and my co-presenter.
It really made me come away with a bad feeling about the whole damn thing.
Netflix was recommending me Doctor Who: The Curse of Fenric.
Ooh, that's a good one. Seventh Doctor at his scheming best, Ace pushing the role, a willingness to pursue more mature storylines. Plus, a distinctly creepy environmental message. (Oh, and vampires!)